Varfuri pipetare Eppendorf 200 microlitri, fara filtru, 1000 buc/set
epTIPS Standard 0,1-10µl S, 2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 34 mm, 0030000811 , 260.00 lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard 0,1-20µl, 2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 0030000838 , 260.00lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard 0,5-20µl L, 2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 0030000854 , 232.15/1000buc
epTips standard Eppendorf 2-200ul, 100...
Varfuri pipetare Eppendorf 200 microlitri, fara filtru, 1000 buc/set
epTIPS Standard 0,1-10µl S, 2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 34 mm, 0030000811 , 260.00 lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard 0,1-20µl, 2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 0030000838 , 260.00lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard 0,5-20µl L, 2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 0030000854 , 232.15/1000buc
epTips standard Eppendorf 2-200ul, 1000 buc, 0030000870 , 193.05 lei/1000buc
epTips standard Eppendorf 2-200ul, 1000 buc, incolore 0030000889, 177,6 lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard yellow 20- 300µl, 1000BUC/SET, 0030000897 , 158.48 lei /1000buc
epTIPS Standard transparente 20- 300µl, 1000BUC/SET, 0030000900 170 lei /1000buc
epTIPS Standard blue 50- 1000µl,2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 0030000919 ,186.30lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard colorless 50- 1000µl, 2 bags of 500 tips = 1.000 tips, 0030000927 , 158.48 lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard 100-5000µl, 5 bags of 100 tips = 500 tips, 0030000978 , 205.56 lei/1000buc
epTIPS Standard 0.5-10ml, 2 bags of 100 tips = 200 tips, 0030000765 , 211.47 lei/1000buc