Turbidimetru portabil compus din: - Multi 3620 IDS Professional digital multi meter for portable field measurement, with dual channel input, wireless ready, color graphic display incl. data logger and USB interfaces. Single instrumentin a case including buffer STP 4 and STP 7, 0.01 mol/l KCl conductivity standard, short instruction manual, CD-ROM, rechargeable batteries, driver software - 1 buc - VisoTurb® 900-P IDS IR turb...
Turbidimetru portabil compus din: - Multi 3620 IDS Professional digital multi meter for portable field measurement, with dual channel input, wireless ready, color graphic display incl. data logger and USB interfaces. Single instrumentin a case including buffer STP 4 and STP 7, 0.01 mol/l KCl conductivity standard, short instruction manual, CD-ROM, rechargeable batteries, driver software - 1 buc - VisoTurb® 900-P IDS IR turbidity sensor, titanium shaft, 0 bis 4000 FNU, pressure resistant up to 10 bars, with waterproof plug head for connection with cable AS/IDS-x - 1 buc - Cal-Kit VT900 Calibration kit for VisoTurb® 900-P including each 250 ml turbidity standard 124 FNU and 1010 FNU and empty bottle for zero point calibration, (please see manual) - 1 buc - SB VT 900 Sample bottle for IDS turbidity sensor, volume 500 ml - 1 buc