I.D.: 89045694

TSA for handling of Aeroplane Fuel

Data publicarii
08.11.23 Exista 1.329 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
Pretul estimativ:
12.000.000,00 NOK
12.000.000,00 NOK
Locul realizarii:
  • Descarca
  • Tipareste
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  • Trimite
The aim is to ensure the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (FLO) the necessary access to competence that currently does not exist in FLO, a civilian partner is required. Assistance is required in obtaining information in electronic form and this information shall be grouped and combined in an A4 ring binder. Furthermore, the tenderer shall be able to provide training and develop competence for users...
The aim is to ensure the Norwegian Defence Logistics Organisation (FLO) the necessary access to competence that currently does not exist in FLO, a civilian partner is required. Assistance is required in obtaining information in electronic form and this information shall be grouped and combined in an A4 ring binder. Furthermore, the tenderer shall be able to provide training and develop competence for users in connection with problems connected to fuel quality and system operation. The contracting authority would like tenders for a licence that provides access to an up-to-date overview of laws, rules and routines for the operation of systems connected to handling of aeronauturs, including the STANAG and JIG regulations.
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