I.D.: 91014308

Transport of day patients

Data publicarii
20.12.23 Exista 1.034 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
60140000 60000000
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
17.01.24 12:00
Pretul estimativ:
16.000.000,00 NOK
16.000.000,00 NOK
Locul realizarii:
  • Descarca
  • Tipareste
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  • Trimite
Procurement of passenger transport services to and from the municipality ́s day centres. Bjørnafjorden municipality is looking for suppliers who can ensure the transport of users to and from the day center in a good way. Transport to and from the day center is seen as an integral part of the day center stay. This means that the transport service, in the same way as the service experience of the stay at the...
Procurement of passenger transport services to and from the municipality ́s day centres. Bjørnafjorden municipality is looking for suppliers who can ensure the transport of users to and from the day center in a good way. Transport to and from the day center is seen as an integral part of the day center stay. This means that the transport service, in the same way as the service experience of the stay at the day centre, must be experienced as safe, predictable and pleasant for the users.
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