This contract aims to collect primary data through surveys to contribute to the assessment of the state of play of digitalization
in the EU agriculture. For this, the Commission will draw a first version of the questionnaire on digitalisation in the agricultural
sector. The survey will cover technologies such as precision farming, real time applications, terrestrial and aerial drones,
tools on prices, sens...
This contract aims to collect primary data through surveys to contribute to the assessment of the state of play of digitalization
in the EU agriculture. For this, the Commission will draw a first version of the questionnaire on digitalisation in the agricultural
sector. The survey will cover technologies such as precision farming, real time applications, terrestrial and aerial drones,
tools on prices, sensors, artificial intelligence, blockchain, satellite imagery, big data and analytics, agricultural decision
support systems, etc. Further, the survey must investigate (i) the use of digital technologies and services on the farm, the
scope of their use and its implications for sustainability and resilience, (ii) bottlenecks and drivers for the adoption of
digitalization, by investigating financial support (i.e. investments, credits) and support services (such as advisors), infrastructure,
skills and digital and data governance aspects, as well as (iii) the propensity of EU farmers to pursue investments in digitalization
in the future. The target population of the survey will be EU farmers. The survey must be done through face-to-face interviews
and other methods (telephone, virtual meeting, videoconference) in at least six Member States.