I.D.: 6586565

Servicii de sănătate

Data publicarii
02.06.15 Exista 51 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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02.07.15 17:00
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The provision of an End of Life Care Coordination Centre available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, providing a first and single point of access for health professionals, patients and carers requiring information, advice, and signposting to services and access to community based services including rapid response services and enhanced community services.This will include maintaining an up to date directory of service inc...
The provision of an End of Life Care Coordination Centre available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, providing a first and single point of access for health professionals, patients and carers requiring information, advice, and signposting to services and access to community based services including rapid response services and enhanced community services.This will include maintaining an up to date directory of service including, for example: rapid response and enhanced community services capacity, hospice, community and care home availability, other available services (e.g. third sector) and how to access them.This service is an integral part of a whole-system pathway for End of Life Care. The service will be accessed by any health professional (e.g. acute trust, hospice, rapid response, GP and District Nurse) as well as patients and carers.
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    din peste 3200 surse publice si private

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