I.D.: 6490401

Servicii de sănătate şi servicii de asistenţă socială

Data publicarii
23.05.15 Exista 181 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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North Tyneside Council intend to commission a broad range of services within 1 effective Integrated Sexual Health Service.The Service will deliver a range of sexual health interventions from a variety of locations in the Borough of North Tyneside aimed at promoting positive sexual health, preventing and treating infections, providing good quality contraception and preventing unwanted pregnancy.The Service will be provided f...
North Tyneside Council intend to commission a broad range of services within 1 effective Integrated Sexual Health Service.The Service will deliver a range of sexual health interventions from a variety of locations in the Borough of North Tyneside aimed at promoting positive sexual health, preventing and treating infections, providing good quality contraception and preventing unwanted pregnancy.The Service will be provided for young people (aged 24 and under) and adults with a specific focus on target groups, e.g. young people, Black and Minority Ethnic Groups (BME), Men who have sex with men (MSM) etc.The Service will deliver and co-ordinate the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) in North Tyneside.To support the effective delivery of the Integrated Sexual Health Service and achieve our desired objectives we have identified the following key principles which all commissioned services will be required to adhere to:— Priority will be given to prevention and early intervention with a focus on young people and ‘most at risk' populations;— Services to be delivered by a professional integrated skilled sexual health workforce;— Strong clinical leadership to be embedded across the local sexual health system;— Encourage the use of evidence based practice, innovation and use of technology;— Ensure rapid and easy access to services, delivered in appropriate settings;— Ensure all contraceptive and STI diagnoses and treatment is dealt with in one place, i.e. a one-stop shop.The Integrated Service will contribute to the following indicators which are monitored by the Commissioner to measure the effectiveness of the local sexual health system:— Reduction in the prevalence of STIs and HIV;— Reduction in the rates of unintended pregnancy.This Procurement includes sexual health services currently delivered in primary care and community pharmacies.
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