I.D.: 6490828

Servicii de sănătate şi servicii de asistenţă socială

Data publicarii
23.05.15 Exista 103 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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  • Trimite
The advocacy service will offer a single point of access for all adult advocacy referrals under one single contract. This includes the provision of statutory and non-statutory advocacy to all individuals who are eligible for the service. The new integrated service will provide high quality advocacy support for children and adults with a range of health and social care needs such as: learning disabilities, mental health, com...
The advocacy service will offer a single point of access for all adult advocacy referrals under one single contract. This includes the provision of statutory and non-statutory advocacy to all individuals who are eligible for the service. The new integrated service will provide high quality advocacy support for children and adults with a range of health and social care needs such as: learning disabilities, mental health, complex needs, physical and sensory impairments and dementia.
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De ce

  • Oportunitati de afaceri selectionate

  • Anunturi scanate si actualizate
    din peste 3200 surse publice si private

  • Manager de cont personal - chiar si
    in timpul testarii gratuite

  • Transmiterea zilnica a anunturilor noi

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