I.D.: 6761409

Servicii de recrutare

Data publicarii
16.06.15 Exista 234 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
79600000 79635000
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Enterprise Ireland invites applications for the provision of Recruitment Services for Executive, Management and Graduate Placements in Enterprise Ireland and is seeking to appoint a multi-party framework (5 member) to cater for these requirements.The provider(s) will work with Enterprise Ireland to implement and deliver a fair, transparent, objective, cost effective and time efficient recruitment, assessment, selection and ...
Enterprise Ireland invites applications for the provision of Recruitment Services for Executive, Management and Graduate Placements in Enterprise Ireland and is seeking to appoint a multi-party framework (5 member) to cater for these requirements.The provider(s) will work with Enterprise Ireland to implement and deliver a fair, transparent, objective, cost effective and time efficient recruitment, assessment, selection and placement processes for Graduate, Executive, Middle and Senior Management level roles (permanent, fixed-term contract and temporary) that arise within Enterprise Ireland over the duration of the framework. This will include the sourcing, screening and short-listing of candidates to be brought forward for consideration for assessment/interview by Enterprise Ireland, leading to the selection and placement of the most suitable candidate for each of the roles within the framework duration. Enterprise Ireland recruits for both single placements and for multiple placement opportunities, e.g. Graduate Programmes.It is anticipated that the framework will be awarded for a period of 2 years with an option to extend for 2 further 2 year periods, subject to a maximum of 6 years.The framework will be subject to regular review, budget constraints and satisfactory performance.
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