I.D.: 6460923

Servicii de gestionare a proiectelor de construcţii

Data publicarii
21.05.15 Exista 21.585 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
71541000 72224000
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  • Trimite
The contracting authority needs to hire a project manager for the two-way tram project in Prinsens gate. The project manager is connected to the section for Roads and Public Transport in the investment department of the Agency for Urban Environment.The site work in Prinsens gates started in December 2014 and it is expected to be completed in 2017. Tram lines shall be constructed in both directions in Prinsens gate and the p...
The contracting authority needs to hire a project manager for the two-way tram project in Prinsens gate. The project manager is connected to the section for Roads and Public Transport in the investment department of the Agency for Urban Environment.The site work in Prinsens gates started in December 2014 and it is expected to be completed in 2017. Tram lines shall be constructed in both directions in Prinsens gate and the parallel road Tollbugata shall be adapted for bus traffic in both directions. In addition over 100 year old water and sewage pipelines in the ground in Prinsens gate shall be replaced. Prinsens gate and Tollbugata are 2 of the roads in the centre of Oslo with the most traffic. Most of the public transport in the centre goes along these roads. Buses, trams and cars create problems for each other in both roads and make bottlenecks for public transport throughout the centre during rush hour. The problems will be reduced and accessibility will be improved by separating trams and buses.Prinsens gate shall be converted to a road purely for trams, with a double track and trams in both directions. Tollbugata will be a two-way bus road. New tracks shall also be established in Prinsens gate x Akersgata so that the connection towards Rådhusplassen via Akersgata is maintained.The completed road shall be designed in accordance with the principle Universal Design. The pavements will have a granite covering and asphalt will be laid in the road.The project is engineered to maintain public transport and the use of the road during the construction period. There shall always be good accessibility to shops and courtyards along the road.
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