I.D.: 6703514

Servicii de consultanţă privind gestionarea proiectelor

Data publicarii
11.06.15 Exista 57 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Locul realizarii:
West Cumbria
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The ‘Enabling Innovation Framework (EIF)' is intended to support Sellafield Ltd in maintaining and strengthening its ability to act as an intelligent client whilst pursuing its objective to drive efficiency in delivery through long term tier 2 relationships. The EIF Framework is essentially a professional services framework which is intended to be tactical, aimed at operational project level and will have the ability to fle...
The ‘Enabling Innovation Framework (EIF)' is intended to support Sellafield Ltd in maintaining and strengthening its ability to act as an intelligent client whilst pursuing its objective to drive efficiency in delivery through long term tier 2 relationships. The EIF Framework is essentially a professional services framework which is intended to be tactical, aimed at operational project level and will have the ability to flex and develop to meet the evolving nature of the Overarching Acquisition Strategy (OAS). As a critical part of the OAS, the EIF will help integrate and share learning in ways that strengthen the Sellafield client capability. In the medium term the EIF will support the creation of a culture that is more open to innovation, helping to identify the barriers to creative thinking.The EIF will support Sellafield Ltd in providing rigour and challenge at the very front end of problem definition, through all stages of subsequent scope development, execution, post investment appraisal and learning from experience.
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