I.D.: 6490954

Servicii de consultanţă în domeniul evaluării

Data publicarii
23.05.15 Exista 7 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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79419000 75211200
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Denmark has been actively engaged in Afghanistan since 2001 with the purpose of contributing to development, stability and security. The engagement has gradually over time developed into an integrated approach encompassing policy dialogue, stability and security measures as well as development cooperation. In addition substantial humanitarian support has been provided. The development cooperation has from the outset been fo...
Denmark has been actively engaged in Afghanistan since 2001 with the purpose of contributing to development, stability and security. The engagement has gradually over time developed into an integrated approach encompassing policy dialogue, stability and security measures as well as development cooperation. In addition substantial humanitarian support has been provided. The development cooperation has from the outset been focussed on support for human rights and democracy, education and improving livelihoods. The military contribution included support for counter insurgency, primarily in Helmand, and support for the development of the Afghan security forces.A number of important milestones were reached in 2014 with regards to the international community's engagement in Afghanistan. For the first time in the history of the country, power was passed on relatively peacefully from one leader to the next, the Afghan National Security Forces took over the full security responsibility for the country and the ISAF mission was completed. This also implied that Denmark ended all Danish combat activities in Afghanistan.In November 2014, the broad political coalition behind the comprehensive Danish engagement in Afghanistan decided to commission a study of the lessons learned from the integrated approach in Afghanistan (hereafter Lessons Learned). As part of the Lessons Learned, a report is called for. This report should provide lessons learned from implementing development cooperation in the unstable and insecure environment in Afghanistan which necessitated a military presence.The report on Lessons Learned from Implementing Development Cooperation will cover the Danish development engagement in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. In particular it should draw lessons from:— How the strategy and implementation evolved over the years;— Implementing an integrated approach at the strategic level and all the way to the implementation level focussing on what it takes to implement development cooperation in an unstable environment where development aid is provided alongside an international military presence;— Choice of aid modalities;— Risk management and coping mechanisms.Lessons learned from CIMIC and stabilisation projects implemented by the Danish forces in Helmand will be covered by a separate study.The report on Lessons Learned from Implementing Development Cooperation will draw upon the evaluations and evaluation studies already carried out over the period, but will also need to collect more evidence in Denmark as well as in Afghanistan.The Lessons Learned study is planned to start in May 2015 and be finalized in October 2015. A field visit to Kabul is foreseen. A team of minimum 3 experts is envisaged with experience from evaluation of interventions in conflict settings; experience from evaluation of integrated approaches; and extensive knowledge of Afghanistan. To ensure a detailed knowledge of the context and to contribute to the evaluation capacity in Afghanistan, it is expected that at least 1 expert will be from Afghanistan. There will be close involvement of key cooperation partners in the process without jeopardizing the independent work of the consultants. In situations where conflict of interest could occur, the experts are excluded from participation, if their participation puts into doubt the independence and impartiality of this Lessons Learned.The assignment is expected to amount to not more than 1 400 000 DKK.For more information about the Danish Engagement in Afghanistan pls. visit the Afghanistan portal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and the website of the Embassy in Kabul for similar contracts of Candidates applying for PQ: experience with a similar assignment (evaluation and lessons learned) from Afghanistan or other fragile states.
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