I.D.: 6672042

Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare şi servicii conexe de consultanţă

Data publicarii
09.06.15 Exista 1.304 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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KMD would like to enter into a contract for a review of Norway's varied urban region structure that focuses on regional and business differences.There is a lot of literature and knowledge on urbanisation as a driving force and effect connected to urban growth. A lot of the academic literature on urbanisation has been based on empirical data from countries with a different urban structure than in Norway. There is a need for ...
KMD would like to enter into a contract for a review of Norway's varied urban region structure that focuses on regional and business differences.There is a lot of literature and knowledge on urbanisation as a driving force and effect connected to urban growth. A lot of the academic literature on urbanisation has been based on empirical data from countries with a different urban structure than in Norway. There is a need for empirical knowledge on what is particular to Norway's small scale urban structure and what can explain some of the significant variations that exist in business and population growth and the development between the Norwegian towns/urban regions. Such knowledge will be an important basis for a differentiated and coordinated policy that takes geographical variations into consideration and that is sensitive to Norwegian urban regions having different potentials and challenges. The review shall consist of a mapping analysis in two parts, which shall then form the basis for a policy relevant analysis.For further description see annex 1 of the contract (the contracting authority's description of the assignment).
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