I.D.: 6577249

Servicii de cercetare şi de dezvoltare şi servicii conexe de consultanţă

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30.05.15 Exista 1.296 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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KMD shall carry out a review of the County Governor's future structure and size. The review of the structure is limited to the geographical division of the offices. KMD would like to join up with a service provider who can assist the Ministry with process and method competence in the review work, report writing and reviewing individual professional problems.The procurement will be carried out in accordance with the Act from...
KMD shall carry out a review of the County Governor's future structure and size. The review of the structure is limited to the geographical division of the offices. KMD would like to join up with a service provider who can assist the Ministry with process and method competence in the review work, report writing and reviewing individual professional problems.The procurement will be carried out in accordance with the Act from 16.7.1999 no. 69 on public procurements (LoA) and the public procurement regulations laid down by Royal Decree 15.6.2001 no. 402 (FOA), Part III, §14 -1 (3), cf. § 14-3 c and §14-4. The award of contract will be made in accordance with the ‘negotiated procedure after a prior notice’.The procurement shall commence with this qualification and will then be followed by a qualitative selection of the tenderers to be invited to participate in the competition for the final contract for the delivery of the procurement.All references to the ‘service provider’ in this qualification documentation shall, in the following, be understood as a reference to the service provider in accordance with this qualification and with the later contract resulting from the competition.2 Description of the delivery/specifications2.1 IntroductionThe County Governor is the King and government's representative in a county and shall work on compliance with the Norwegian parliament's decisions, aims and guidelines. The County Governors' responsibility is laid down in the Instructions for the County Governors. (See Lovdata: County Governors shall facilitate and coordinate national policies to the municipalities and ensure basic legal protection for residents and businesses. The County Governor has, through broad sector competence and knowledge of regional and local conditions, an important function connected to facilitating how national policies work locally and regionally.The County Governor carries out sector assignments in central social areas on behalf of a total of 11 ministries and 10 directorates/authorities. The individual ministries have direct authority to instruct the County Governor in their area of responsibility. As a sector authority, the County Governor shall, through guidelines, dialogue and inspections with the municipalities and counties, contribute to the implementation of national policies.The County Governor also has a central role as the coordination body for the government on a regional level. The County Governor office is the only regional body with the authority and expectation to take on a coordinating initiative with other governmental departments on the same level. The Local Government Act § 10 A also gives the County Governor the role of coordinator of government inspection authorities that are aimed at municipalities.The County Governor is the appeals board for individual decisions made by municipalities and the supervisory authority in accordance with the special laws. These make up the main elements in the County Governor's legal protection function.The County Governor shall work for the benefit and best for the county by taking the initiative required and by promoting proposals to solve assignments to the degree that the County Governor finds it necessary or beneficial. Furthermore, the County Governor shall keep the government and central administration orientated on important questions in the county and report to a central level on the municipalities' follow-up of governmental targets and priorities.There are currently 18 County Governor offices with a total of 2 670 employees, which makes up approx. 2 500 manlabour years. A decision has been made to merge Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder from 1.1.2016.Further information on each County Governor can be found at The document ‘The County Governor Role — Development and Challenges’ from FAD 6.3.2012, describes the role and assignments of the County Governor.The ongoing municipality reform is an important initiative in the government's plans to strengthen local democracy as well as the aim of the government and municipalities functioning better together. The core of the County Governor's assignment portfolio are municipality related assignments and the municipality reform can change the municipal structure that is currently a part of the basis for the current design of the County Governor's structure and organisation. This applies even though the municipality reform is not a geography reform. Furthermore, the Norwegian parliament has asked the government to review the structure and the assignments of the regional elected level parallel to the work of giving more assignments to the municipalities. Another framework condition for the County Governor's structure are the changes in the geographical division in other governmental entities that are of importance to the County Governor's coordination function. These ongoing processes can have consequences for the County Governor.An independent review shall be carried out of the County Governor's structure, seen in the light of any changes in the County Governor's role and main functions, changes in the division of assignments resulting from the municipality reform and a changed role on the regional elected level, as well as any changes within other parts of governmental administration. The review shall also include a complete assessment of how the County Governor's role and assignment portfolio can be taken care of within different models.As stated in point 1.2, KMD would like to enter into a contract for the provision of process assistance and professional review for the review project. The project will be organised in the form of a project group managed by KMD and a reference group with participants from the affected Ministry and the office management. A hired external consultant will also be included in the project group. The external consultant shall contribute by supporting the process and writing reports, selecting the method and carrying out independent mappings, surveys and analyses etc.
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