I.D.: 6705182

Servicii de catering pentru şcoli

Data publicarii
11.06.15 Exista 235 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Locul realizarii:
Bristol, City of
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The successful tenderer will be required to provide catering services at the 5 primary schools detailed below:— Shirehampton Primary School;— Avonmouth C of E Primary School;— St Bernard's Catholic Primary School;— Sea Mills Primary School;— Avon Primary School.The Schools are all located within a 3 mile radius of each other in and around the Shirehampton area of Bristol.The catering service provision at all 5 project schoo...
The successful tenderer will be required to provide catering services at the 5 primary schools detailed below:— Shirehampton Primary School;— Avonmouth C of E Primary School;— St Bernard's Catholic Primary School;— Sea Mills Primary School;— Avon Primary School.The Schools are all located within a 3 mile radius of each other in and around the Shirehampton area of Bristol.The catering service provision at all 5 project schools has never been fully market tested and the incumbent contractor is Eden on behalf of Bristol City Council. The contract will commence on 1.11.2015, for an initial period of 3 years.To ensure best value principles are applied the Headteachers and School Governors of each school have made a decision to tender the catering service provision. The key objective of the tender exercise is to improve service standards, meet the requirements of the School Food Plan and ensure that a ‘value for money' service, based on price and quality, is offered throughout the Cluster. The Schools have a common interest in promoting the principles of 'Food for Life' and this objective shall be prioritised through the award process.All five schools have their own on-site kitchens and therefore there is currently no requirement for any form of delivered meal service. A generic menu is currently provided across all schools.All catering staff are currently employed by the incumbent contractor to manage and oversee the Breakfast Club (in some schools) and lunchtime service (in all schools) and therefore TUPE Regulations will apply to this contract. The successful contractor should have the ability to offer comparable pension arrangements to the LGPS.Currently the total annual turnover figure is circa 200 000 GBP across the 5 locations. The Schools firmly believe that with improved choice and quality there is a real opportunity to increase this level of uptake. In addition to this, there is a key focus on community support and services and this may also be an opportunity to increase turnover during the contract term.
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