Contract Title:ESCW(C)4936 Holiday, weekend and after school short breaksThe London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) is seeking expressions of interest from interested organisations for the above services and/or goods.Description:This is a contract for the provision of day time holiday, weekend and after school short breaks for children and young people with disabilities. The short breaks will enable and support children and...
Contract Title:ESCW(C)4936 Holiday, weekend and after school short breaksThe London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) is seeking expressions of interest from interested organisations for the above services and/or goods.Description:This is a contract for the provision of day time holiday, weekend and after school short breaks for children and young people with disabilities. The short breaks will enable and support children and young people with a disability to live ordinary family lives, to have fun, try new activities, gain independence and make friends. The service will also provide families with a short break from their caring responsibilities.Children and young people will be eligible for the service if they are aged between 5 and 18 and they have one of the following conditions:— Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and severe learning difficulties— Complex health needs, including those with physical and/or learning disabilities, those who require palliative care (continuing care) and those with associated sensory impairments. Complex health needs includes children and young people with profound and multiple learning difficulties and complex and severe medical needs who may also have additional physical and/or sensory impairment.Referals shall come from the Council's Short Breaks Co-ordinator.The contract includes 3 Lots:— Lot 1: Holiday schemes in area 1, lead for children and young people with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)— Lot 2: Holiday scheme area 2, lead for children and young people with complex medical needs— Lot 3: Saturday and after school clubsTenderers are invited to apply for 1, 2 or all of the Lots.For each Lot, the Service Provider will have a block contract with the Council to provide an agreed number of places, and will have the capacity to offer additional places on a spot purchase basis. The block contract with the Council will not in itself guarantee any particular level of spot purchasing to be transacted with the Service Provider, as this will be based on families' choice as to what short break they would like to access.We've allocated the following estimated budgets for each Lot:— Lot 1: Up to 55 000 GBP per annum for block and an estimated 75 000 GBP per annum for spot purchasing—Lot 2: Up to 55 000 GBP per annum for block and an estimated 75 000 GBP per annum for spot purchasing—Lot 3: Up to 50 000 GBP per annum for block and an estimated 112 500 GBP per annum for spot purchasing.The majority of the children and young people attending the holiday scheme under Lot 1 will be from Phoenix School. The Service Provider for Lot 1 will employ designated staff from Phoenix School to plan for and deliver the short break schemes run at this school, as agreed with the Head Teacher. The school staff will be paid at hourly rates based on discussions with the Head Teacher of the school.The Service Provider shall support the development of person centered approaches and at all times be focused on the outcomes of the service user. The Service Provider shall improve the outcomes for disabled children, young people and their families, by:— extending disabled children's horizons by enabling them to have new experiences which are matched to their assessed needs, helping them to develop new skills and exercise choice, utlising the range of resources across the borough and surrounding areas to enhance their experiences— supporting and strengthening families by giving them a break from their caring responsibilities— offering age-appropriate, enjoyable and stimulating activities of the child or young person's choice in a safe setting— supporting children to develop their social and emotional skills to enhance their ability to establish and maintain positive friendships and other one-to-one and group relationships outside their home— building disabled children and young people's personal resilience so they can successfully deal with all life experiences and transitions— supporting disabled children and young people to develop their confidence and to have increased aspirations— supporting children to develop independence skills, positive self- identity and mutual respect and empathy.The Council is committed to improving the quality of life for both residents and businesses within Tower Hamlets. In line with The Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 the authority will consider how this procurement might improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of the relevant area. In order to achieve this, it is our objective to work with existing and future contractors to secure an appropriate level of community benefits through the procurement process. Detailed guidance and minimum levels of the economic and community benefit applicable to this tender will be available within the tender documentation.The anticipated contract start date is: Friday, 1.1.2016The estimated value of the contract is:1 267 500 GBP Total (422 500 GBP per annum). This includes the funding for the block contract and the estimated funding for spot purchasing additional places.For a period of: 2 years. The Council may extend the Contract Period by up to a maximum of another 1 year period by giving written notice to the Service Provider.Organisations wishing to express their interest are requested to register on the London Tenders Portal ( where the tender documentation will be available for download. You may be required to complete a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ).Organisations must ensure that access to the system is available to their representatives dealing with the contract. The council will not be liable for the lack of delegated access within the organisation and will not send any documentation regarding the contract, which shall be exclusively available through the portal.Tenderers are responsible for allowing sufficient time to submit their ITT/PQQ. The Council accepts no liability whatsoever for ITT/PQQs that are not submitted due to internet connectivity issues, transmission delays or errors.LBTH requires tenderers to pay the London Living Wage and offer community benefits which are more particularly set out in the procurement documents.LBTH is an Equal Opportunities Employer and a supporter of Ethical Governance, our protocol can be found here along with Guidance to Suppliers and Providers Or via: for expression of interest and return of Tender is: Monday, 10.8.2015, 12:00LBTH is an Equal Opportunities Employer and a supporter of Ethical Governance, our protocol can be found here along with Guidance to Suppliers and Providers. Or via: does not undertake to invite all applicants or bind itself to accept the lowest or any Tender. LBTH will not be liable for any costs incurred in tendering for this contract.If you require any further information please contact:Procurement at: supplier briefing will take place on Thursday 2.7.2015 at 14:30 in room C1 (1st Floor), Mulberry Place Town Hall, 5 Clove Crescent, London E14 2BG. At which you will have the opportunity to have any queries relating to this tender answered. Attendance is via RSVP to no later than Monday 29
June at 12:00.