I.D.: 6605538

Servicii de ajutor economic extern

Data publicarii
03.06.15 Exista 63 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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Strengthening PFM has been at the core of Tanzania's development efforts over the past 2 decades with the Government-Donor financed Public Financial Management Reform Programme (PFMRP) the main vehicle of support for a comprehensive set of reforms since 1998. The fourth phase of PFMRP, which commenced in 2012, seeks to improve PFM in the following areas: i) Revenue Management; ii) Budgeting and Planning; iii) Budget Executi...
Strengthening PFM has been at the core of Tanzania's development efforts over the past 2 decades with the Government-Donor financed Public Financial Management Reform Programme (PFMRP) the main vehicle of support for a comprehensive set of reforms since 1998. The fourth phase of PFMRP, which commenced in 2012, seeks to improve PFM in the following areas: i) Revenue Management; ii) Budgeting and Planning; iii) Budget Execution, Transparency and Accountability iv) Budget Control and Oversight. It involves a range of interventions across key institutions at the central government level. The UK is committed to supporting the PFMRP IV programme with 10 000 000 GBP financial assistance into the multi-donor basket fund over a five year period. In addition, it is keen to support PFM reforms at the regional and local level, through a combination of direct financial assistance and external technical assistance. The key objective of this support is to facilitate implementation of a range of reforms for enabling a significant improvement in the quality of public financial management in Regional Administrations and Local Government Authorities (LGAs).
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