I.D.: 6577240

Servicii de administrare a pieţelor financiare

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30.05.15 Exista 20.518 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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Innovasjon Norge manages the government's capital deposits in 3 seed fund schemes. Since 1998 the government has contributed with loan capital to 15 seed funds and since 2012 it has contributed with equity to 2 funds that are all privately owned and run. The new scheme from 2012 — up to 6 funds with a total capital of 3 000 000 000 NOK — is a supplementary scheme and it represents a unique tool in business development as i...
Innovasjon Norge manages the government's capital deposits in 3 seed fund schemes. Since 1998 the government has contributed with loan capital to 15 seed funds and since 2012 it has contributed with equity to 2 funds that are all privately owned and run. The new scheme from 2012 — up to 6 funds with a total capital of 3 000 000 000 NOK — is a supplementary scheme and it represents a unique tool in business development as it ensures active owner competence, experience, network and engagement from private businesses.The government will participate with — for all the 6 new funds — up to 1 500 000 000 NOK in equity and private investors with the equivalent. This will mean a total capital supply of approx. 3 000 000 000 NOK for the management of new seed funds. The Norwegian parliament granted resources for the establishment of the first two funds when it discussed the revised national budget for 2012. These were operative in 2014.The Norwegian parliament granted a further 389 250 000 NOK for 2 new nationwide seed funds when it discussed the national budget for 2015. The government decided at the end of March 2015 that 2 new nationwide seed funds should be established with a minimum 300 000 000 NOK each in private and government capital.The assignment letter from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries states that ‘The localisations of the fund management shall be somewhere in North Norway and in Bergen’. The funds shall be established in accordance with the framework that has been established for the new nationwide seed funds, except that the government's participation will be 150 000 000 NOK in equity and risk reduction in each fund. The government's share in the 2 previous funds that were granted in RNB 2012 was 250 000 000 NOK in each fund.Innovasjon Norge shall administer the government's interests in the new scheme and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries has given it the task of establishing these 2 new nationwide seed funds.The long term aim of the nationwide seed fund capital scheme is to support the establishment of innovative, international competitive growth companies in an early phase nationwide and thereby create growth and competence based jobs. This shall be done by increasing access to competent capital and competence and by building up and further developing good management environments.Innovasjon Norge would like to find a consultancy environment for each of the 2 funds that are granted government capital. This means that the consultancy environments that are awarded the assignments for Bergen and a place in North Norway respectively will be given a mandate to collect the capital from private investors for establishing the seed fund.The consultancy environment must clearly state whether the qualification application applies for the management of the fund located somewhere in North Norway or in Bergen.
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