I.D.: 72360379

Services for developing the Overall design and architectural project of the area adjacent to the Church of the "Saints Constantine and Helena", generically known as "Visterniceni", Chişinău City, Republic of Moldova

Data publicarii
22.08.22 Exista 384 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
Pretul estimativ:
210.000,00 MDL
Documente participare:
  1. 20220822074544_a14a_declaration_honour_procurement_en.docx
  2. 20220822074544_annex i - general conditions.pdf
  3. 20220822074544_b8f_annex ii_tor_global_en.pdf
Locul realizarii:
Republica Moldova
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Services for developing the Overall design and architectural project of the area adjacent to the Church of the "Saints Constantine and Helena", generically known as "Visterniceni", Chişinău City, Republic of Moldova
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Titlul Data inchiderii
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