2 Sare clorură de potasiu 26764.260 500 g VWR Chemicals 1 55.09 55.09 Potassium chloride 99.5-101.0%, AnalaR NORMAPUR® Reag. Ph. Eur. analytical reagent
4 Titrisol 0,1 N Azotat de argint 1099900001 fiola Merck 2 440.64 881,28 Azotat de argint - solutie concentrata for 1000 ml, c(AgNO₃) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol®
5 Pisetă pentru apă distilată VITL93993 buc Vitlab 4 35.70 142,80 Wash-bottle, PP, GL 45, wash-bottle cap, PP,...
2 Sare clorură de potasiu 26764.260 500 g VWR Chemicals 1 55.09 55.09 Potassium chloride 99.5-101.0%, AnalaR NORMAPUR® Reag. Ph. Eur. analytical reagent
4 Titrisol 0,1 N Azotat de argint 1099900001 fiola Merck 2 440.64 881,28 Azotat de argint - solutie concentrata for 1000 ml, c(AgNO₃) = 0.1 mol/l (0.1 N) Titrisol®
5 Pisetă pentru apă distilată VITL93993 buc Vitlab 4 35.70 142,80 Wash-bottle, PP, GL 45, wash-bottle cap, PP, 500 mL
6 Pisetă pentru apă bidistilată VITL95193 buc Vitlab 4 42.48 169.92 Wash-bottle, PP, GL 32, wash-bottle cap, PP, 1000 mL
7 Pară de cauciuc pentru pipetă 9910103 buc Hirschmann 2 27.11 54,22 Safety pipette filler universal
9 Tavă de cântărire 611-1995 500 buc VWR, part of Avantor 1 56.36 Disposable weighing boats, VWR, PS, diamond, 5ml, 53×33×6 mm, antistatic
4 Solutie etalon pH - 2 32032.260 500 ml VWR Chemicals 1 39.35 Buffer solutions, 20 °C AVS TITRINORM, 2,00 pH, ±0,02 pH accuracy, citrate, colorless, conform ISO 17034, traceable to SRM from NIST
5 Solutie etalon pH - 12 32042.295 1l VWR Chemicals 1 60.00 Buffer solutions, 20 °C AVS TITRINORM, 12,00 ±0,05 Phosphate Colourless - Plastic bottle
3 Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) L15712.22 100 g Thermo Scientific 1 111.50 111.50 N-Methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) ≥98%