I.D.: 88865853


Data publicarii
03.11.23 Exista 9.967 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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The project is to be carried out on the roof of the existing Carlow County Library (Presentation building) on Tullow Street, Carlow. Carlow Library is a protected structure and therefore must be treated with the respect of its listing all decisions on interventions should follow the ICOMOS Venice and Burra Charters and all personnel and sub -contractors must have relevant experience in conservation project...
The project is to be carried out on the roof of the existing Carlow County Library (Presentation building) on Tullow Street, Carlow. Carlow Library is a protected structure and therefore must be treated with the respect of its listing all decisions on interventions should follow the ICOMOS Venice and Burra Charters and all personnel and sub -contractors must have relevant experience in conservation projects. The roof comprises a double pitch roof with slate roof finish and a mono pitch roof with lead finish. There are two chimneys extending upwards from the double pitch roof. The two chimneys consist of several flues each. The building adjoins other buildings on College Street. The functionality or operations of the building and adjoining buildings are not to be affected or disrupted by the repair works. The current and proposed layouts are as detailed within the full suite of works requirements tender documents. The works include stripping out existing roof finishes and ancillary works; repairs and/or replacement to damaged roof timbers; supply and installation of new roof finishes including associated waterproofing and insulation; repairs to existing rainwater goods; together with brick and capping repair works to 2nr chimneys. The works are located in the busy center of Carlow town. There are other buildings which either adjoin or are in close proximity to the library building. There is limited space for site compounds, storage, set down or parking. Contractors are to be cognisant of adjoining businesses and facilities located on the site; and are to ensure that the contractor or the works do not impede these businesses in any way. Contractors are to cognisant that the Library, Museum and Tourist Office will remain fully open and operational during the works with no disruption to services offered. In order to ensure the continued operation of the services to the existing building and surrounding buildings; and so as not to impede adjoining businesses, a high level of management, safety, noise and vibration control, dust and infection control procedures will be required on site. In particular the contractor is to note that demolition works, saw cutting, drilling are to be performed at periods outside of normal working hours. Arrangements to carry out work outside normal working hours must be done in advance. Tendering contractors are to note that elements of the contractors scaffold may impede onto the public footpath and the contractors design of same is to ensure the safety of the general public. Scaffold design and installation must be in strict accordance with the HSA code of practice for access and working scaffolding. This will include but not be limited to the completion of a detailed RAMS Method statement, Temporary Works Design, installation of special bridged scaffolds, crash decks, fans, fire retardant scaffold sheeting and the like. The main contractor will be required to liaise with Carlow County Council and seek all necessary permissions, licenses and payment of associated fees and levies with working within the public footpath. The Main contractor will be responsible for the duties of Project Supervisor Construction Stage. The main contractor will be required to comply with the code of practice for inspecting and certifying buildings and works as defined in SINo.9 of 2014 Building Control (Amendment) Regulations 2014. Tendering contractors are to include performing the role as Main Contractor and PSCS and for completing all works detailed and outlined within the full suite of tender documents (Including but not limited to Demolitions Alterations; Roofs; Roof completions; Roof finishes; Chimney Repairs; Drainage and refuse disposal; Safety and Health; all necessary Co-ordination and Management
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