I.D.: 91000589

Rft for ISAPS (Irish Coast Guard Search and Planning System) Drift Modelling Prediction software

Data publicarii
19.12.23 Exista 9.713 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
72000000 72200000 72400000 72500000 72300000 72600000 72700000 72800000 72900000 80400000
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
12.02.24 17:00
Pretul estimativ:
500.000,00 EUR
500.000,00 EUR
Locul realizarii:
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  • Trimite
The Minister for Transport invites tenders to this RFT for the provision of Drift Modelling Prediction Software. The software as a minimum should provide the following functionality: 1. Provision of drift modelling of objects 2. Provision of modelling to support land, sea and aviation searches 3. Provision of Oil, Chemical and hazardous waste drift modelling 4. Integration with MetOcean data to assist mode...
The Minister for Transport invites tenders to this RFT for the provision of Drift Modelling Prediction Software. The software as a minimum should provide the following functionality: 1. Provision of drift modelling of objects 2. Provision of modelling to support land, sea and aviation searches 3. Provision of Oil, Chemical and hazardous waste drift modelling 4. Integration with MetOcean data to assist modelling 5. Integration with the Irish Coast Guard (IRCG) Incident Coordination and Management Systems (ICAMS) 6. System accessibility to both office and remotely based users 7. 24/7 technical support 8. Training environment to support upskilling of new and existing staffnsert summary of services sought.
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