1 Beriliu - standard ICP traceable NIST, solutie Fe în HNO3 2-3 %, 1000mg/l Be (fl 100ml) 1 buc;
2 IC Solutie standard iodura, 1000 ppm (pt.cromatografia de ioni), fl/ 100 ml 1 buc;
3 Multi-Anion Standard 7 A:F-,Cl-,NO3-asN,Br-,SO4(-2),PO4(-3) asP@ 1000µg/ml in H2O for ion Chromatography,VHG 1 buc;
4 IC Solutie standard nitrat-N, 1000 ppm (pt.cromatografia de ioni) fl/ 100 ml, 1 buc;
5 ICP multielement -solutie standard...
1 Beriliu - standard ICP traceable NIST, solutie Fe în HNO3 2-3 %, 1000mg/l Be (fl 100ml) 1 buc;
2 IC Solutie standard iodura, 1000 ppm (pt.cromatografia de ioni), fl/ 100 ml 1 buc;
3 Multi-Anion Standard 7 A:F-,Cl-,NO3-asN,Br-,SO4(-2),PO4(-3) asP@ 1000µg/ml in H2O for ion Chromatography,VHG 1 buc;
4 IC Solutie standard nitrat-N, 1000 ppm (pt.cromatografia de ioni) fl/ 100 ml, 1 buc;
5 ICP multielement -solutie standard cu 23 elemente in acid azotic diluat,1000mg/l Certi Pur fl/100ml 1 buc;
6 Smart Tune-Solution pt.standard Etalon/DRC-e 10 mg/l 1 buc;
7 Uranium Standard :U @1000µg/ml in 5% in HNO3 for ICP.NIST traceable ISO Guide 34 and ISO/IEC 17025 certified VHG 2 buc;
8 Tungsten (Wolfram )ICP Standard traceable to SRM from NIST in (NH4)2WO4 în hydrofluoric acid 1000 mg/l W CentiPur 1 buc.