Spectacole artistice stradale unicat prezentate pe durata festivalului FiTS2019 prin parade cu muzică şi dans, unice si de necontestat,prin grupuri de samba si batacuda , alături de fanfare :The Bicycle Show Crescendo/CRESCENDO OPENDE BICYCLE BAND,The Sound of Carnival from Lanzarote/ BATACUDA VILLA PIPOL FROM LANZAROTE, The Flavours of the Nothingt Hill Carnival/LONDON SCHOL OF SAMBA, The Scarlet Tunics of British Infantry...
Spectacole artistice stradale unicat prezentate pe durata festivalului FiTS2019 prin parade cu muzică şi dans, unice si de necontestat,prin grupuri de samba si batacuda , alături de fanfare :The Bicycle Show Crescendo/CRESCENDO OPENDE BICYCLE BAND,The Sound of Carnival from Lanzarote/ BATACUDA VILLA PIPOL FROM LANZAROTE, The Flavours of the Nothingt Hill Carnival/LONDON SCHOL OF SAMBA, The Scarlet Tunics of British Infantry Band/YORKSHIRE VOLUNTEERS BAND, Long live the Carnival/COMPARASA LOS CARIOCAS, The Elite Italian Military Band/FANFARA DEI BERSAGLIERI, Dundu, the Giant of Light/DUNDU, The Sea-Horse Pipe Band/BAGAD RONSED MOR, Red World/MADEMOISELLE PAILLETTE, A fuego lento +Amor/ BILBOBASSO