I.D.: 91050052

Prequalification: Extended emergency centre and MR building for Kalnes for Østfold Hospital.

Data publicarii
21.12.23 Exista 1.200 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
45200000 45100000 45300000 45400000 71000000
Pretul estimativ:
105.000.000,00 NOK
105.000.000,00 NOK
Locul realizarii:
  • Descarca
  • Tipareste
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  • Trimite
Kalnes Hospital was completed in 2015, and the emergency department and MR examinations have since moving in had capacity and area challenges for both patients, relatives and employees. It has now been decided that the emergency department shall be expanded and the MR capacity shall be increased. The project includes a new extension with 2 floors as well as alterations inside the existing hospital (Bygg08)...
Kalnes Hospital was completed in 2015, and the emergency department and MR examinations have since moving in had capacity and area challenges for both patients, relatives and employees. It has now been decided that the emergency department shall be expanded and the MR capacity shall be increased. The project includes a new extension with 2 floors as well as alterations inside the existing hospital (Bygg08). The Hospital Kalnes (SØ) is in full operation throughout the entire construction period. The extension is bordered by the existing helicopter, helicopter entrance, ambulance entrance and parking area for employees and visitors.
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