I.D.: 90700162

Performance management system for Fredrikstad municipality.

Data publicarii
05.12.23 Exista 534 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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  • Trimite
Fredrikstad municipality (hereafter called the contracting authority) intends to enter into a contract (SSA- small cloud) with Framsikt AS for the delivery of an overall SaaS system for financial planning and performance management. The contracting authority has been examining the market for a long time and has found that there is only one supplier who can deliver a system that fulfils the contracting auth...
Fredrikstad municipality (hereafter called the contracting authority) intends to enter into a contract (SSA- small cloud) with Framsikt AS for the delivery of an overall SaaS system for financial planning and performance management. The contracting authority has been examining the market for a long time and has found that there is only one supplier who can deliver a system that fulfils the contracting authority ́s needs. Tenderers who wish to complain about the voluntary ex ante transparency notice must do so within ten days calculated from the day after the date of this notice.
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De ce

  • Oportunitati de afaceri selectionate

  • Anunturi scanate si actualizate
    din peste 3200 surse publice si private

  • Manager de cont personal - chiar si
    in timpul testarii gratuite

  • Transmiterea zilnica a anunturilor noi

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