I.D.: 6576593

Pachete software şi sisteme informatice

Data publicarii
30.05.15 Exista 152 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
48000000 72000000
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
30.06.15 19:00
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This is a joint procurement exercise between South Lakeland Council and Eden District Council for software and services that will enable both Councils to deliver the requirements of their customer contract strategy. Both council are seeking to procure a comprehensive solution to integrate a range of back office systems with its website and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The scope of work will include replaci...
This is a joint procurement exercise between South Lakeland Council and Eden District Council for software and services that will enable both Councils to deliver the requirements of their customer contract strategy. Both council are seeking to procure a comprehensive solution to integrate a range of back office systems with its website and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The scope of work will include replacing the Development Control, Building Control and Land Charges systems; replacing the Web Content Management System and delivering a web site that is fully integrated with the CRM/citizen portal solution where transactions are recorded; replacing the CRM system with a solution that is integrated into the transactional web site and citizen portal solution, recording and displaying all customer transactions, integrating with the Environmental Health System with an ability to send data so that the work can be progressed by service teams involved in mobile working; integrating with the Revenues and Benefits System to enable online citizens to access council tax bills and other council forms; integrating with the document management system; integrating with payment systems at the 2 Councils; and the solution will be agile and flexible to enable the rapid migration of services and processes into the new solution as reviews of other service areas are undertaken. The solution will facilitate the Councils to become more efficient by having digitally enabled services available online which makes it easier for customers to do business with the Councils. Bidders should note that although the 2 Councils have both confirmed outline approval for the project, any award of the contracts following this procurement exercise are subject to final approval by each of the Councils, which may not be possible if the indicative contract value is exceeded.
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