PACHET VARFURI SI MANUSI CE CONTINE: 1.066050-Manusi nesterile, material nitril, nepudrate, marime S, 100 buc/cutie- 5 CUTII 2.066052-Manusi nesterile, material nitril, nepudrate, marime L, 100 buc/cutie-5 CUTII 3.0030077571-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyrogen-free), 50–1000μL, 76 mm, blue, 960 tips (10 racks x 96tips)-1 BUC 4.0030077512-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyr...
PACHET VARFURI SI MANUSI CE CONTINE: 1.066050-Manusi nesterile, material nitril, nepudrate, marime S, 100 buc/cutie- 5 CUTII 2.066052-Manusi nesterile, material nitril, nepudrate, marime L, 100 buc/cutie-5 CUTII 3.0030077571-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyrogen-free), 50–1000μL, 76 mm, blue, 960 tips (10 racks x 96tips)-1 BUC 4.0030077512-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyrogen-free), 0.1–10 μL M, 40 mm, medium gray, 96buc-1 BUC Conform Ofertei nr.1419311 din 22/11/2019