1 x 212 ERA PT Dissolved Oxygen, WP
Oxygen, dissolved in water - 500mL.
Oxygen, Dissolved 1-20 mg/L
1 x 578 ERA PT Demand, WP
One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution.
BOD 18-230 mg/L
CBOD 18-230 mg/L
COD 30-250 mg/L
TOC 6-100 mg/L
1 x 556 ERA PT Cyanide, WS
One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Source material is free cyanide.
Analyte Low Conc High Conc Units
Cyanide ...
1 x 212 ERA PT Dissolved Oxygen, WP
Oxygen, dissolved in water - 500mL.
Oxygen, Dissolved 1-20 mg/L
1 x 578 ERA PT Demand, WP
One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution.
BOD 18-230 mg/L
CBOD 18-230 mg/L
COD 30-250 mg/L
TOC 6-100 mg/L
1 x 556 ERA PT Cyanide, WS
One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Source material is free cyanide.
Analyte Low Conc High Conc Units
Cyanide 0.1 0.5 mg/L
Cyanide, Free 0.1 0.5 mg/L
Cyanide, total 0.1 0.5 mg/L
1 x 892 ERA PT Surfactants-MBAS, WP
One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 2 liters after dilution.
Surfactants - MBAS 0.2-1 mg/L
1 x 589 ERA PT Total Phenolics (4-AAP), WP
One 2 mL flame-sealed ampule yields up to 2 liters after dilution. Analyze for total phenolic compounds by 4-AAP methods.
2-Chlorophenol 0.137-5 mg/L
2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.173-5 mg/L
2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.196-5 mg/L
Phenol 0.2-5 mg/L
Phenolics, total 0.5-5 mg/L
1 x 5150 ERA PT Solids, Concentrate, WS
One 23 mL screw-cap vial with a powder yields 1 liter after dilution.
Non-Filterable Residue (TSS) 23-100 mg/L
Total Dissolved Solids at 180°C 100-1000 mg/L
Total Solids at 105°C 123-1100 mg/L
1 x 586 ERA PT Trace Metals, WP
One 15 mL screw-cap vial yields up to 1 liter after dilution. Use with AA, ICP-OES or ICP-MS and selec