01 104371.1000 n-Hexan for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv, L 1 x 190 = 190 Lei 02 100020.1000 Acetona for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv, L 1 x 105 = 105 Lei 03 100030.2500 Acetonitril gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv, 2,5 L 1 x 140 x 140 Lei 04 115440.1000 Izooctan for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv, L 1 x 255 = 255 Lei 05 115333.2500 Apă for chromatography (LC-MS Grade) LiChrosolv,...
01 104371.1000 n-Hexan for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv, L 1 x 190 = 190 Lei 02 100020.1000 Acetona for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv, L 1 x 105 = 105 Lei 03 100030.2500 Acetonitril gradient grade for liquid chromatography LiChrosolv, 2,5 L 1 x 140 x 140 Lei 04 115440.1000 Izooctan for gas chromatography ECD and FID SupraSolv, L 1 x 255 = 255 Lei 05 115333.2500 Apă for chromatography (LC-MS Grade) LiChrosolv, 2,5 L 1 x 105 = 105 Lei 06 102703.0250 Cupru pulbere fina, dim. particule < 63 µm (> 230 mesh ASTM), 250 G 1 x 170 = 170 Lei 07 CR14 Indigen Acid Boric, Kg 1 x 25 = 25 Lei 08 103792.1000 Sulfat de fier si amoniu(II) hexahidrat pentru analiza, Kg 1 x 795 = 795 Lei 09 100456.1000 Acid azotic 65%, 1 L 10 x 65 = 650 Lei Precursor de exploziv restictionat cf L49/2018 10 100317.2500 Acid clorhidric fumans 37% pentru analiza, 2,5 L 4 x 65 = 260 Lei 11 CR26 Indigen Hidroxid de Sodiu Perle, Kg 10 x 25 = 250 Lei 12 203009 Hartie de Filtru Banda Alba ( 90 mm ) - filtrare Medie, Cutie 10 x 65 x 650 Lei 13 203012 Hartie de Filtru Banda Alba ( 125 mm ) - filtrare Medie, Cutie 5 x 75 = 375 Lei 14 152020 Hartie de filtru MN 713 (45 x 45 cm) 100 COLI, Set 2 x 145 x 290 Lei 15 101180.0250 Heptamolibdat de amoniu tetrahidrat molibdat de amoniu) crist., extra pur, 250 G 1 x 515 = 515 16 170340.0100 Fosfor - standard ICP trasabil NIST, solutie H₃PO₄ in H₂O, 1000 mg/l P Certipur, 100 ML 1 x 400 = 400 Lei 17 109406.0500 Soluţie tampon (acid de potasiu ftalat), trasabil la SRM de