0913 S1 - Malvidin chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 10mg. PRET: 1,051.00 LEI
0931 S2 - Malvidin-3-O-galactoside chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 10mg. PRET: 3,422.00 /2 BUC LEI
0929 S3 - Peonidin-3-O-glucoside chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 5mg. PRET: 2,256.00 / 2BUC LEI
0906 S4 - Peonidin chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 5mg. PRET: 973.00 LEI
1139 S5 - Rutin with HPLC Extrasynthese 50mg. PRET: 597.00 LEI
0981 S6 - Ep...
0913 S1 - Malvidin chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 10mg. PRET: 1,051.00 LEI
0931 S2 - Malvidin-3-O-galactoside chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 10mg. PRET: 3,422.00 /2 BUC LEI
0929 S3 - Peonidin-3-O-glucoside chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 5mg. PRET: 2,256.00 / 2BUC LEI
0906 S4 - Peonidin chloride with HPLC Extrasynthese, 5mg. PRET: 973.00 LEI
1139 S5 - Rutin with HPLC Extrasynthese 50mg. PRET: 597.00 LEI
0981 S6 - Epigallocatechin gallate with HPLC Extrasynthese 20mg. PRET: 481.00 LEI
4961 S7 - Neochlorogenic acid with HPLC Extrasynthese, 10mg. PRET: 1,245.00 LEI
20742.180 - Trichloroacetic acid AnalaR NORMAPUR ACS/R.PE VWR Chemicals, 100G. PRET: 107.00 LEI
05104 - ALCOOL ETILICO DENAT. 99,9%, 5L. PRET: 170.00 LEI
A11169.22 - Vanillin ≥99% THERMO, 100g. PRET: 193.00 LEI
12922.14 - Dysprosium trinitrate pentahydrate ≥99.9% (REO, rare earth oxide basis), 25G. PRET: 321.00 LEI