Corp iluminat 2x18W Hepol, aparent 11118924 CORP IL.2X18W IP65 BE HEPOL BUC 5 50,76
Teava PVC pt. canalizare, multistrat SN4 110x3,2, 4m 10801077 TUB PVC SN4 DN110/4M BUC 4 38,04
Cot PVC cu inel 110x87mm 10800871 COT PVC CAN.EXT. DN110/87GRD BUC 2 5,27
Cot PVC cu inel 110x67mm 10800870 COT PVC CAN.EXT. DN110/67GRD BUC 2 5,57
Teava PEHD apa, D25mm, PN6 - 50ml 10802755 COND PEID APA PE80 PN6 DN025 M 50 1,32
Corp iluminat 2x18W Hepol, aparent 11118924 CORP IL.2X18W IP65 BE HEPOL BUC 5 50,76
Teava PVC pt. canalizare, multistrat SN4 110x3,2, 4m 10801077 TUB PVC SN4 DN110/4M BUC 4 38,04
Cot PVC cu inel 110x87mm 10800871 COT PVC CAN.EXT. DN110/87GRD BUC 2 5,27
Cot PVC cu inel 110x67mm 10800870 COT PVC CAN.EXT. DN110/67GRD BUC 2 5,57
Teava PEHD apa, D25mm, PN6 - 50ml 10802755 COND PEID APA PE80 PN6 DN025 M 50 1,32
Mufa compresiune PEHD D25mm, PN6 10801188 MUFA RAPIDA PE DN025 BUC 5 3,62
Cot compresiune PEHD D25mm 90 grade 10801161 COT RAPID PE 90GRD DN025 BUC 3 3,98
Cot compresiune PEHD filet exterior, D25mm x 3/4 inch 90 grade 10801167 COT RAPID PE 90GRD FE DN025X3/4 BUC 2 2,61
Vas WC Mondial basic 4031 90 alb cu evacuare orizontala 10808489 Vas WC L ZOOM evacuare laterala BUC 2 100,56
Capace WC alb 11102629 CAPAC WC ALB CLUB40 BUC 2 33,33
Rezervor WC semiinaltime Geberit AP110 11135622 REZ.SEMIINALTIME GEBERIT AP 110 CAL.I BUC 2 85,71
Racord WC extensibil insertie inox cu manson R02, 60cm 11115264 RACORD WC EXTENSIBIL, INSERTIE INOX, D11 BUC 5 41,25