Pachet Consumabile Medicale de laborator
1.Cod: 525-1178-Tubes 1.5 ml sterile VWR (1000 buc / punga)- 20 buc.
2.Cod: 0030078527-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 0,5 – 20 μL L, 46 mm, light gray colorless tips, 960 tips (10 racks × 96 tips) (10 rackuri x 96 varfuri (960 varfuri))-5 buc.
3.Cod: 0030078551-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 2 – 200 μL, 55 mm, yellow, colorless tips, 960 tip...
Pachet Consumabile Medicale de laborator
1.Cod: 525-1178-Tubes 1.5 ml sterile VWR (1000 buc / punga)- 20 buc.
2.Cod: 0030078527-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 0,5 – 20 μL L, 46 mm, light gray colorless tips, 960 tips (10 racks × 96 tips) (10 rackuri x 96 varfuri (960 varfuri))-5 buc.
3.Cod: 0030078551-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 2 – 200 μL, 55 mm, yellow, colorless tips, 960 tips (10 racks × 96 tips) (10 rackuri x 96 varfuri (960 varfuri))- 1 buc.
4.Cod: 0030078543-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 2 – 100 μL, 53 mm, yellow,colorless tips, 960 tips (10 racks × 96 tips)(10 rackuri x 96 varfuri (960 varfuri))-5 buc.
5.Cod: 0030078519-ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 0.1 – 10 μL M, 40 mm, medium gray, colorless tips, 960 tips (10 racks × 96 tips)(10 rackuri x 96 varfuri (960 varfuri)-10 buc.
6.Cod: 0030000889-epT.I.P.S.® Standard, Eppendorf Quality™, 2–200μL , 53 mm, 1000 tips (2bags x 500 tips)-15 buc.
7.Cod: 0030000919-epT.I.P.S.® Standard, Eppendorf Quality™, 50–1000μL, 71 mm, blue, blue tips, 1000 tips (2 bags x 500 tips) (Varfuri albastre Eppendorf, volum 50-1000 ul, cutie 1000 bucati(2pungix500 bucati) 10 buc.
Termen de livrare: 45 de zile de la comanda ferma in cazul in care produsele nu sunt in stoc la momentul achizitionarii.