Pachetul cuprinde urmatoarele titluri, in cate un exemplar: 1. E. Marianne Stern, Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval Glass: Ernesto Wolf Collection Hardcover, 2001 - ISBN 9783775790420 - cost 237,14 lei 2. Dominique Kassab Tezgör, (Corpus Des Amphores Romaines Produites Dans Les Centres De Mer Noire: Collections Des Musées De La Côte Turque De La Mer Noire (Eregli, Amasra, Sinop, Samsun, Giresun, Ordu, Trabzon Et Amasya) -...
Pachetul cuprinde urmatoarele titluri, in cate un exemplar: 1. E. Marianne Stern, Roman, Byzantine and Early Medieval Glass: Ernesto Wolf Collection Hardcover, 2001 - ISBN 9783775790420 - cost 237,14 lei 2. Dominique Kassab Tezgör, (Corpus Des Amphores Romaines Produites Dans Les Centres De Mer Noire: Collections Des Musées De La Côte Turque De La Mer Noire (Eregli, Amasra, Sinop, Samsun, Giresun, Ordu, Trabzon Et Amasya) - ISBN 9781789696974 - cost 190,48 lei 3. Philip Bes, Once upon a Time in the East: The Chronological and Geographical Distribution of Terra Sigillata and Red Slip Ware in the Roman East Paperback – 31 July 2015 - ISBN 9781784911201 - cost 238,10 lei 4. Justine Bayley, Ian Freestone, Caroline Jackson (Editors), Glass of the Roman World, 2015 - ISBN 9781789253399 - cost 247,62 lei 5. ROMAN and Early Byzantine GLASS, a private collection - ISBN 2000000013053 - cost 542,86 lei 6. The Wonders of Ancient Glass At the Israel Museum, Jerusalem Yael Israeli - ISBN 9789652782144 - cost 371,43 lei.