I.D.: 90310660

Open tender contest - Turnkey contract - Kjelsås Omsorg+

Data publicarii
28.11.23 Exista 1.029 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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Pretul estimativ:
400.000.000,00 NOK
400.000.000,00 NOK
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Oslobygg KF invites tenderers to an open tender contest for the procurement of a turnkey contract for project 2340300 - Kjelsås Omsorg+. The project includes moving a listed Swiss villa within the site area and the construction of a new residential complex of approx. 10,000 m2. BTA with activity centre, business premises and a base for local home care service.The Property Kjelsåsveien 114-116, Gnr.72, Bnr....
Oslobygg KF invites tenderers to an open tender contest for the procurement of a turnkey contract for project 2340300 - Kjelsås Omsorg+. The project includes moving a listed Swiss villa within the site area and the construction of a new residential complex of approx. 10,000 m2. BTA with activity centre, business premises and a base for local home care service.The Property Kjelsåsveien 114-116, Gnr.72, Bnr.4,20,168,340 and 353, is currently owned by Oslo municipality by Boligbygg KF and is located in a central residential area at Kjelsås with good public transport coverage and proximity to grocery and other service offers. There is access to the site from Grefsenveien, Myrerskogveien and Kjelsåsveien respectively. The property was regulated for Omsorg+ in 2015 under the auspices of the Agency for Real Estate and Urban Renewal (EBY).The building contains three main buildings that are connected with lower middle buildings. The buildings vary from 3-5 floors, with an activity centre on the ground floor facing the corner Grefsenveien – Myrerskogveien. The project contains a total of 77 flats according to Husbanken ́s requirements - of which 8 large flats are adapted for 2 persons and 69 flats suitable for one user.The ground floor extends out towards Grefsenveien and has areas for a canteen, activity centre and premises for hairdressers, foot care and alternative treatment. Office space for city employees is set aside for parts of the first floor.The new building shall have a concrete and solid wood supporting construction. The building shall mainly be covered with wood panelling, there shall be good architectural qualities and little institution specifics. The heating installations shall consist of energy wells at the property. In addition there shall be a solar panel park on one roof and sedum on other roof areas.A small park and a square that is publicly accessible are established by the area facing Myrerskogveien.The current buildings, except the Swiss villa shall be demolished in a separate demolition contract, so the site will be ready for planning ground works as soon as this project starts.
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