I.D.: 71268247

Modul solar cu emulator altitudine

Data publicarii
15.07.22 Exista 15.959 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Pretul estimativ:
24.625,00 RON - 24.625,00 RON
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Denumire produs: Modul solar cu emulator altitudine he solar module rack consists of a polycrystalline solar module and a halogen spotlight as solar simulator. The brightness of the halogen spotlight can be adjusted using a dimmer. Various rooftop angles can be emulated using the tilt adjustment of the solar module allowing these effects on the solar module to be investigated. The halogen spotlight is swivel mounted permitt...
Denumire produs: Modul solar cu emulator altitudine he solar module rack consists of a polycrystalline solar module and a halogen spotlight as solar simulator. The brightness of the halogen spotlight can be adjusted using a dimmer. Various rooftop angles can be emulated using the tilt adjustment of the solar module allowing these effects on the solar module to be investigated. The halogen spotlight is swivel mounted permitting it to simulate the progression of the sun over a whole day Termen livrare : maxim 28 august 2022 Garantie: minim 24 luni Beneficiar: UBB, Director proiect prof. Adrian Petrusel Responsabil Achizitie: Catalin Petcu Va rugam sa precizati pe colet numele beneficiarului sau/si responsabil achizitie. Se va incheia un contract de furnizare intre achizitor si furnizor in care se vor detalia drepturile si obligatiile celor doua parti.
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