I.D.: 102878757

Lucrări ,,Replanificarea încăperilor de la nivelurile II-VII din imobilul cu nr. cadastral 0100419.113.01, cu renovarea/modernizarea fațadelor, situat în mun. Chișinău, str. Constantin Tănase nr.9”

Data publicarii
Coduri CPV
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
06.11.24 12:00
Pretul estimativ:
168.484.200,00 MDL
168.484.200,00 MDL
Locul realizarii:
Republica Moldova
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Lucrări capitale ,,Replanificarea încăperilor de la nivelurile II-VII din imobilul cu nr. cadastral 0100419.113.01, cu renovarea/modernizarea fațadelor, situat în mun. Chișinău, str. Constantin Tănase nr.9” 168 484 200,00 57 537 354,30 - 2025 57 537 354,30 - 2026 53 409 491,40 - 2027ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTENTIONNo. 1 from 04.09.2024 I. General information about the contracting author...
Lucrări capitale ,,Replanificarea încăperilor de la nivelurile II-VII din imobilul cu nr. cadastral 0100419.113.01, cu renovarea/modernizarea fațadelor, situat în mun. Chișinău, str. Constantin Tănase nr.9” 168 484 200,00 57 537 354,30 - 2025 57 537 354,30 - 2026 53 409 491,40 - 2027ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTENTIONNo. 1 from 04.09.2024 I. General information about the contracting authority:Name of the contracting authority STATE TAX SERVICEIDNO 1006601001182Address mun. Chisinau, 9 Constantin Tanase St.,Telephone/fax number (022)-82-33-92, 82-32-63E-mail address of the contracting authority mail@sfs.mdInternet address of the contracting authority www.sfs.mdContact person, phone number/e-mail Nuta Trofim,(0-22)-82-32-63; trofim.nuta@sfs.mdThe e-mail or internet address from which direct, full and unrestricted and free access to the tender documentation can be obtained (In case, for the reasons stipulated in Article 33 para. (11) of Law no. 131/2015 on public procurement, free, direct and full access is not ensured, a mention on how to access the tender documentation) Not the caseType of contracting authority and main object of activity (Where appropriate, a statement that the contracting authority is a central purchasing authority or that the procurement involves or is likely to involve another form of joint procurement) Public institution, main object of activity: Administration of fiscal operationsII. Information on the subject of the purchase:No d/o Code CPV Name of the goods, services or works Quantity/ Unit of measurement Purchase description Estimated value,excluding VAT (for each batch separately)1. 45000000-7 Works ,,Re-planning of the rooms on levels II-VII of the building with cadastral no. 0100419.113.01, with renovation/modernization of the facades, located in mun. Chisinau, 9 Constantin Tanase str.” 1 work Capital works ,,Re-planning of rooms on levels II-VII of the building with cadastral no. 0100419.113.01, with renovation/modernization of facades, located in mun. Chisinau, 9 Constantin Tanase St., Constantin Tanase St." 168 484 200,00 57 537 354,30 - 2025 57 537 354,30 - 2026 53 409 491,40 - 2027III. Conditions for participation (to the extent already known):The public procurement contract is reserved for protected works, or it can only be carried out in the framework of protected employment programs No □Yes □The providing of the service is reserved to a particular profession by virtue of legal or administrative provisions No □Yes □Short description of the selection criteria The lowest price, per batch, in accordance with the requirements. IV. Other information:Estimated date of publication of call for tenders for the contract(s) covered by the announcement of intention September 2024Specific techniques and instruments used for attribution Framework agreement □Dynamic purchasing system □The contract is within the framework of the Government Procurement Agreement of the World Trade Organization (Only for notices sent for publication in the OJEU) No □Yes □National Complaints Settlement Agency mun. Chișinău, bd. Stefan cel Mare si Sfant, 124, MD-2001;tel/fax: (022) 820 652, 820-651 e-mail: contestatii@ansc.mdpagina web: www.ansc.mdOther relevant information Do not have.
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