I.D.: 6835083

Lucrări de construcţii

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The works in contract 2 comprise laying of the Dovre track in a new route by Klett railway bridge, construction of new pedestrian and cycle pathway including new underpass under the Dovre railway with associated berm at Lersbakken.In the lead up to this contract, contract 1 — Alteration of the Dovre railway, Preliminary works will be carried out. The construction site and construction roads established in contract 1 will be...
The works in contract 2 comprise laying of the Dovre track in a new route by Klett railway bridge, construction of new pedestrian and cycle pathway including new underpass under the Dovre railway with associated berm at Lersbakken.In the lead up to this contract, contract 1 — Alteration of the Dovre railway, Preliminary works will be carried out. The construction site and construction roads established in contract 1 will be overtaken by contract 2.The construction site and interim road for E6 under the new Klett railway bridge contract 2 shall be overtaken and utilised by the Contractor responsible for the construction of contract 3 E6 Jaktøyen — Sentervegen. The construction site's location is along the Dovre railway and close by and over E6 in Storlersbakken.There will be traffic on the Dovre railway and along the E6 during the entire construction period, with the exception of two train free weekends for the Dovre railway, which are planned for the end of May 2016 and middle of September 2016. During train free weekends, all train traffic will be stopped and the overhead contact system will be disconnected. In train free weekends, the trains will be stopped for a minimum of 40 hours.For the E6 it will be necessary to have traffic control and a driving lane closed in periods (at night) in connection with works by and over E6.Alterations to the Dovre railwayIn connection with the establishment of a new four lane E6 between Jaktøyen — Sentervegen, a new bridge shall be constructed for the Dovre railway with associated modification of the railway track in a stretch of approximately 700 m. A new track will be built on this stretch with new CL installation, drainage system and signal cables shall be lain in a new cable channel. To facilitate alterations during a train free weekend, some temporary KL posts must be set up along parts of the railway. Restructuring of train traffic over the new track shall occur during one of the train free weekends in September 2016.Safety screen:The Norwegian National Rail Administration has requirements for works on and near railway tracks in operation in regard to safety of materials, workers and third parties. In order to ease the degree of freedom for the work, as regards stopping work for passing trains and the use of security guards at works near railway tracks and electrified lines (CL-installations), an eight metre high safety screen shall be erected along the existing Dovre railway. The safety screen will be set up in ‘white periods’ between trains on the Dovre railway. In this contract, a total of approx. 445 m of safety screen shall be built beyond the site. Safety screen along the stretch shall be demolished for approx. 670 metres in length.New Klett railway bridgeRailway bridge will be 85 m long and shall span over a new four lane E6. The bridge will have four spans and be executed as a span reinforced concrete bridge. The railway bridge's pillar axes shall be pile founded to rock with drilled and cast steel pipe piles in each axis. The abutments shall be directly founded. Pile founding shall be executed in contract 1. After restructuring of the train traffic over to a new route over the new Klett railway bridge, matter under the new bridge and existing railway filling shall be excavated.Interim road E6In connection with the excavation and removal of the existing railway bridge, traffic shall temporarily be diverted in a southbound lane of the new E6. Interim road shall be established with two lanes, total with 9.7 m, fixed cover and railing.Demolition of the existing Klett railway bridgeThe existing Klett railway bridge shall be demolished. Walls and ceiling of the existing construction will be removed but the foundations shall remain.Pedestrian and cycle path, LersbakkenA new pedestrian and cycle path shall be constructed from Heggstadmoen waste plant to Heimdalsvegen. The pedestrian and cycle path shall be constructed with a width of 5 m, gravel covered and with a closed drainage system. The pedestrian and cycle path runs partially in an area in with quick clay. A new high filling will be established for the pedestrian cycle path, which will result in increased load on the site. To reduce the load, parts of the road filling will be performed with lightweight fill matter. It will therefore be extremely important that instructions and descriptions from geotechnical reports and the Contractor's geotechnical engineering is followed in connection with the construction of the pedestrian cycle path.Underpass:A new underpass shall be built for the pedestrian and cycle path under the Dovre railway. The underpass will consist of prefabricated concrete elements. The underpass with wing walls, edge beams and railings will be 7 m long and have openings of w x h + 5.0 m x 4.2 m. Detailed engineering of prefabricated concrete elements is included in the delivery. The production basis must be approved by The Norwegian Public Roads Administration's Head Office before production is started. All works with a complete underpass including i.a. excavation and removal of excavated matter, establishment of drainage system, assembly of complete underpass with backfilling and re-establishment of the railway track shall be carried out during one of the train free weekends in May 2016.BackfillingLersbakken pedestrian and cycle path shall be constructed in a sensitive area in regard to the stability and quick clay zones. The pedestrian and cycle path shall lie to the west of the Dovre railway, on an approx. 10-16 m high filling. To counteract the increased load from the pedestrian and cycle path in the area, a large backfilling in the lower part of the filling must be carried out in advance. The backfilling shall be built up with firm clay, dry crust clay or suitable friction matter from the excess matter in the site. The filling shall have drainage in the bottom. An open stream course shall also be established in the surface of the back filling which is rock pitched.Noise barrier:At Lersbakken farm, approx. 500 m north of the E6, a 2 m high noise barrier will be built toward the Dovre railway. The existing road and level crossing at Lersbakken farm will be removed.
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