I.D.: 6453919

Lucrări de cercetare a solului

Data publicarii
20.05.15 Exista 21.034 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
45111250 71351500
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The surveys along the route shall form the basis for:— assessing solutions and preparing an area development plan;— preparing a technical preliminary project;— engineering design services for and the construction of the Light Rail from the centre to Fyllingsdalen.The survey's extent and degree of detail must be adapted to the phase the project is in and carried out in several stages, i.e. detailed as alternatives/variants a...
The surveys along the route shall form the basis for:— assessing solutions and preparing an area development plan;— preparing a technical preliminary project;— engineering design services for and the construction of the Light Rail from the centre to Fyllingsdalen.The survey's extent and degree of detail must be adapted to the phase the project is in and carried out in several stages, i.e. detailed as alternatives/variants are withdrawn, solutions will be detailed and the work area narrowed.Development plan and a technical preliminary project.Objectives:The geological surveys shall uncover technical possibilities and limitations and provide a basis for a cost estimate. The survey shall be sufficient to prepare a development plan and a technical preliminary project. Geological basis data shall also provide the necessary input for assessments in the risk and vulnerability analysis.Scope:— Short overview of the basis conditions on the stretch starting with a quaternary geological map, bedrock map and visual observations from a site survey of the area.— Collocate results from previous ground surveys.— Make necessary supplements (ground drilling) where there are particular geological challenges or where there is a need to assess the variants in more detail.Delivery:The results shall be collocated in a geological report.Existing material in Bergen municipality:— Ground surveys of the seabed in Store Lungegårdsvann for a development plan for Store Lungegårdsvann and the planned filling.— Technical environmental ground surveys at Møllendal (plan area Møllendal east and west).— Geotechnical and technical environmental ground surveys on some of the properties at Mindemyren.DesignObjectives:The geological surveys shall provide an overview of the depth to the rock, the type of uncompacted matter and their qualities.There are areas with filling matter and naturally deposited uncompacted matter with some humous content, it is important to get information on the composition and organic content of this matter.Scope:— Preparing the survey plan in cooperation with the contracting authority.— Most of the drilling will consist of total probing, with or without rock control, bucket drilling and retrieval of representative (disturbed) and undisturbed samples with the accompanying laboratory examinations.— Pore pressure guages can be required in uncompacted matter.— Geo radar can be required on parts of the route.Delivery:The delivery can be collocated in a separate report.All the data must be submitted suitable for insertion in a 3D model.
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