I.D.: 90698189

Invitation to market dialogue BIOREST

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14.12.23 Exista 20.523 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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BIR would like to find potential collaboration partners for further handling of biorest from the biogas facility, which shall be ready in the first half of 2026 at Voss. It is estimated that the plant will produce 6,000 tonnes solid biorest with a dry matter level of approx. 25% and approx. 40,000 tonnes of liquid biorest with TS 3-4%. The bioresten will include important nutrients that BIR wants to go to ...
BIR would like to find potential collaboration partners for further handling of biorest from the biogas facility, which shall be ready in the first half of 2026 at Voss. It is estimated that the plant will produce 6,000 tonnes solid biorest with a dry matter level of approx. 25% and approx. 40,000 tonnes of liquid biorest with TS 3-4%. The bioresten will include important nutrients that BIR wants to go to optimal utilisation with a focus on sustainable solutions and local value creation. The facility will be a central element in Voss Biopark and it is expected that other actors in the park are expected to make available relevant products that may be of interest to potential collaborating partners. Voss Biopark aims to be one of norway's most innovative industrial symbios based on bio-resources. The industrial development project includes agriculture, waste management, food and feed production, while developing new physical and digital infrastructure. The park aims at increasing the use of resources through cooperation, knowledge and regional value creation.We invite market participants to provide input for relevant forms of cooperation and technological solutions to define the interface between Voss Biopark and the sale of fertiliser products to final users. The cooperation can involve upgrading of the raw material from the biogas facility to complete fertiliser products, product development for the private market and sales. BIR AS is open to several forms of cooperation as cooperation agreements, ordinary agreements for the procurement of the available resources or the establishment of a joint company as a joint venture. The cooperation can involve parts of the volume, and potential collaborating partners are not required to handle the entire volume alone. Liquid biorest will be traded back to local agriculture. BIR would like to find collaboration partners who will contribute to developing systems for further upgrading of business values in liquid biorest with the aim that this shall reach equivalent qualities as the other natural fertiliser that is used in agriculture locally. The solid bio by the way contains important nutrients and the turnover of this as a product, will help to redistribute, among other things, phosphor as a recycled raw material. BIR is aware that there is a need locally and regionally, but would like dialogue with the market to map possibilities and cooperation partners. BIR would like relevant cooperation partners to get in touch for a dialogue on possibilities for cooperation. Please send a short description of the company and suggestions for possible forms of cooperation, contact information at the bottom of the document.
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