I.D.: 86673747

Framework contract for studies and technical assistance in the field of Automotive Emissions

Data publicarii
08.09.23 Exista 1.071 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
Pretul estimativ:
12.000.000,00 EUR
8.000.000,00 EUR
4.000.000,00 EUR
Locul realizarii:
Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale / Arr. van Brussel-Hoofdstad
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The implementation of Euro 7, as well as the support to the broader issues related to type-approval legislation with respect to air pollutant and noise emissions, require specific expertise and resources. The objective of this multiple framework contract is to ensure the provision of adequate external expertise on emissions and access technical resources, data and services.The specific services to be rende...
The implementation of Euro 7, as well as the support to the broader issues related to type-approval legislation with respect to air pollutant and noise emissions, require specific expertise and resources. The objective of this multiple framework contract is to ensure the provision of adequate external expertise on emissions and access technical resources, data and services.The specific services to be rendered will consist of conducting studies, performing tests, collecting data, drawing up synthesis reports, providing access to and analysis of publications and emissions data within the domains covered by the framework contract, and to proactively engage in a dialogue with stakeholders. The contractor may be required to perform studies and provide technical assistance in any of the fields liable to be object of a legislative proposal by the Commission in the field of emissions (including pollutants, noise and CO2) and fuel consumption (covering both light- and heavy-duty vehicles).
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