I.D.: 89642894

Framework agreement for the procurement of workwear for INNSIKT

Data publicarii
21.11.23 Exista 1.640 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Pretul estimativ:
15.000.000,00 NOK
15.000.000,00 NOK
Locul realizarii:
NO020, NO082
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The INNSIKT companies Sirkula IKS, Horisont Miljøpark IKS, Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap AS and Renovasjonsselskapet GLØR IKS (the contracting authority) shall enter into a new framework agreement for the delivery of work wear and associated products. The companies will join the contract as further described in the document "avtaleformular" point 4.5. The framework agreement shall cover the contrac...
The INNSIKT companies Sirkula IKS, Horisont Miljøpark IKS, Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap AS and Renovasjonsselskapet GLØR IKS (the contracting authority) shall enter into a new framework agreement for the delivery of work wear and associated products. The companies will join the contract as further described in the document "avtaleformular" point 4.5. The framework agreement shall cover the contracting authority ́s need for work wear and accompanying products in a qualitatively good, environmentally and cost efficient way. The agreement is a framework agreement. This means that the contracting authority is first obliged to buy in the event of orders on the contract. The contract will be entered into as a non-exclusive contract. The contracting authority will have an option as a part of the contract for the delivery of footwear, gloves and industrial protective clothing. The framework agreement will be valid for 2 years, with an option for the companies to extend the contract for a further 1+1 year.
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