I.D.: 91577723

EU4ALGAE - 'stakeholder platform and new algae farmers toolkit' (DG MARE Work Programme 2022-2023 reference 3.5.1 and Work Programme 2024-2025 reference 3.4.1)

Data publicarii
21.12.23 Exista 1.031 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
73100000 73200000 73300000
Pretul estimativ:
3.600.000,00 EUR
3.600.000,00 EUR
Locul realizarii:
Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale / Arr. van Brussel-Hoofdstad
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  • Trimite
The overarching aim of the tender is to contribute to increasing sustainable production of algae, ensuring safe consumption and boosting innovative use of algae and algae-based products in Europe. 1) Maintaining, and further developing the existing European Algae Stakeholders platform (EU4ALGAE) as the information and networking hub and one-stop-shop for EU (micro and macro) algae stakeholders;2) Setting-...
The overarching aim of the tender is to contribute to increasing sustainable production of algae, ensuring safe consumption and boosting innovative use of algae and algae-based products in Europe. 1) Maintaining, and further developing the existing European Algae Stakeholders platform (EU4ALGAE) as the information and networking hub and one-stop-shop for EU (micro and macro) algae stakeholders;2) Setting-up a new European Algae farmers toolkit: such toolkit will provide guidance to help new and future European seaweed farmers in setting-up a regenerative ocean farm;3) Organising the 2nd EU Algae Awareness Summit and contributing to the overall communication about the benefits of algae and the EU support to the algae community.
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