I.D.: 89327762

ERP system

Data publicarii
14.11.23 Exista 19.643 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
Pretul estimativ:
7.000.000,00 NOK
7.000.000,00 NOK
Locul realizarii:
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  • Trimite
The contracting authority shall procure an ERP system that shall include a financial system, payroll and HR system, as well as a procurement system.A contract shall be established with one tenderer.There is a strong focus on efficient work processes, and a new ERP system shall support this. The system shall therefore have close integration between the administrative systems, not to mention the trade system...
The contracting authority shall procure an ERP system that shall include a financial system, payroll and HR system, as well as a procurement system.A contract shall be established with one tenderer.There is a strong focus on efficient work processes, and a new ERP system shall support this. The system shall therefore have close integration between the administrative systems, not to mention the trade systems in the municipalities, so that double registrations and unnecessary work processes disappear.See the procurement documents for further information.A draft of the tender documentation is attached to this qualification documentation. The contracting authority reserves the right to make minor, not significant changes to this basis before tenderers are invited to submit a tender.
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