ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 0,1 – 10 μL S, 34 mm, dark
gray, colorless tips, 960 tips (10 racks × 96 tips). 0030078500
10 rackuri x 96 varfuri (960 varfuri)
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyrogen-free), 50–1000μL, 76 mm, blue, 960 tips (10 racks x 96 tips) 0030077571 Varfuri pentru pipete 100-1000 μl, fara DN-aza/RN-aza, non-pirogene, ATP-free, sterile, cu filtru dublu, lungime 7...
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean and sterile, 0,1 – 10 μL S, 34 mm, dark
gray, colorless tips, 960 tips (10 racks × 96 tips). 0030078500
10 rackuri x 96 varfuri (960 varfuri)
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyrogen-free), 50–1000μL, 76 mm, blue, 960 tips (10 racks x 96 tips) 0030077571 Varfuri pentru pipete 100-1000 μl, fara DN-aza/RN-aza, non-pirogene, ATP-free, sterile, cu filtru dublu, lungime 76 mm
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyrogen-free), 2 – 100 μL, 53 mm, yellow, 960 tips (10 racksx 96 tips)
ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S.®, PCR clean/Sterile (sterile and pyrogen-free), 2 – 200 μL, 55 mm, yellow, 960 tips (10 racks x 96 tips)
ratiolab®Cryo-Boxes, PP, grid 9 x 9, nat ural, 133 x 133 x 50/75 mm, combi-lid, numerically coded 5 buc/ pachet
Cryotubes 2ml sterile Yallow Screw cup 100buc/punga