I.D.: 6453393

Diverse servicii (conform descrierii)

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20.05.15 Exista 2.505 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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the London Borough of Camden with its partners, the London Borough of Enfield and the London Borough of Islington are seeking expressions of interest from organisations to provide a freight hub and delivery service. Camden intends to establish a single-provider Framework Agreement for a period of up to 4 years (3 years + 1 extension).The freight hub and delivery service will consolidate goods from multiple external supplier...
the London Borough of Camden with its partners, the London Borough of Enfield and the London Borough of Islington are seeking expressions of interest from organisations to provide a freight hub and delivery service. Camden intends to establish a single-provider Framework Agreement for a period of up to 4 years (3 years + 1 extension).The freight hub and delivery service will consolidate goods from multiple external suppliers and complete the onward delivery to its partners and end users' buildings, including a range of public and private sector organisations. The successful delivery partner will be willing to work with Camden and other Boroughs to create the new service and share the risks and benefits of doing so.The establishment of a Framework Agreement will allow other interested parties to join the service over time, as fee-paying customers and benefit from consolidated freight deliveries. It is anticipated that the successful service delivery partner will provide the Borough partners with a financial incentive based on the volume of new fee-paying business introduced into the consolidation service. The other existing LB partners Islington and Enfield have committed at least until the end of 2015/16.The freight hub and delivery service will be based at a physical location located near to central London that receives the goods that are delivered by the Councils' and other customers suppliers. Once the goods are received from the suppliers the Consolidation Centre service provider repackages the range of goods received and prepares them for onward delivery to the Council and other customer's sites in a planned and well managed delivery route.The vision for freight consolidation service is as follows:I. to establish a consolidation centre for the amalgamation of supplies to customers across a wide London geography based on measures of financial, environmental and customer-experience benefits;II. to tackle urban congestion and freight deliveries in a new and innovative way that works for all stakeholders;III. to attract other Borough Councils, private sector companies and institutions to partner or utilise the centre(s) in the future;IV. to establish the freight consolidation service as self-financing or operating on a minimal cost basis through negotiated discounts with suppliers for adopting a single point delivery and will explore other opportunities to establish the concept on a commercial basis.This innovative project is the first of its kind in the UK whereby a council seeks to take control and change the supply chain for its own goods for financial benefits as well as environmental and customer service benefits.This tender is being conducted using the new Competitive Procedure with Negotiation as described in the 2015 procurement regulations. Interested firms should complete and submit a pre-qualification questionnaire, which is available on the website will be shortlisted to be invited to tender based on their PQQ responses. The invitation to tender will include the full specification and the Framework Agreement and Call-off terms and conditions, as well as the quality Method Statements and pricing template which firms must complete and return. (Full instructions are contained in the Invitation to Tender documents)The Council is adopting a Competitive Procedure with Negotiation (CPWN) as described in the Public Contract Regulations 2015. The process and anticipated time-scales are described later in this section.The CPWN is a new procedure that allows the Council the opportunity to advertise the service requirement receive initial tenders and then negotiate with suppliers following receipt of initial tenders with a view to improving the tenders that are received. Following the negotiation stage, final tenders will be invited from tenderers and these will be evaluated in accordance with the Criteria set out in the following section. At the conclusion of the process it is the Council's intention to award a Framework Agreement to the most economically advantageous tenderer. The council reserves the right to down-select between initial and final tenders but also the council reserves right to take all bidders through.The Council reserves the right to negotiate any aspect of the tenderers response including Pricing Template and/or Method Statements. The Council also reserves the right to change the format and/or structure of the tender documentation depending upon the outcome of the negotiation stage(s).The tender instructions are designed to ensure that all Tenderers are given equal and fair consideration. It is important therefore that you provide all the information asked for in the format and order specified.Tenderers should read the instructions to tender carefully before completing the tender documentation. Failure to comply with these requirements for completion and submission of the Tender Response may result in the rejection of the Tender. Tenderers are advised therefore to acquaint themselves fully with the extent and nature of the Council's requirements as stated in the specification and elsewhere in the tender documentation. The contracting authority reserves the right to award the contract on the basis of the initial tenders without conducting negotiations'.
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