I.D.: 6950748

Diverse servicii (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
30.06.15 Exista 1.515 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
60161000 64100000 64120000 64121000 64122000 64121200 60000000
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The contract shall see to FHI's ongoing need for freight and courier services within the following categories:1. Package distributionThe service involves collecting and delivering packages and letters at both internal and external locations in accordance with fixed routes and at set times. The contract also involves the distribution of packages to other addresses in Norway and abroad.2. ExpressThe service involves the colle...
The contract shall see to FHI's ongoing need for freight and courier services within the following categories:1. Package distributionThe service involves collecting and delivering packages and letters at both internal and external locations in accordance with fixed routes and at set times. The contract also involves the distribution of packages to other addresses in Norway and abroad.2. ExpressThe service involves the collection and express delivery of letters and packages to order.3. SpecialFreight and courier services of infectious biological materials, biopharmaceutical products, vaccinations etc.4. National refrigeration transportRefrigeration transport of vaccinations and other biopharmaceutical products in Norway.5. Heavy and delicate productsFreight/moving of sensitive paper documentation and medical equipment/instruments6. Animals (handlign and transport of small research animals)The service involves the transport and handling for the transport of small animals in Oslo and the eastern area of Norway.For further information about the contents of the procurement, please see part II Annex A for each part.The contracting authority intends to enter into a contract with one service provider per contract area, cf. point 3.1, a total of up to six service providers.The areas package distribution, national refrigeration transport and animals are service contracts with options for additional deliveries to order, cf. the specifications. Other areas are framework agreements.
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