I.D.: 6723488

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12.06.15 Exista 207 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
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48000000 48445000 48100000 72227000 72221000
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The University is seeking to procure a student relationship management system which can deliver the following:— To provide a system and associated business processes that will support the university to reach its retention benchmarks.— To provide a system which will enable the use of online forms/self service facilities, workflow management, task assignment and follow up to manage and track student engagement.— To provide da...
The University is seeking to procure a student relationship management system which can deliver the following:— To provide a system and associated business processes that will support the university to reach its retention benchmarks.— To provide a system which will enable the use of online forms/self service facilities, workflow management, task assignment and follow up to manage and track student engagement.— To provide dashboards of student information for personal tutors and other interested groups, such as Course Leaders.— To capture information related to student interactions across Schools and Services; and retain a case history for each student.— To provide reporting/analytics on student profiles/activity/data; to include student engagement/retention predictive analytics based on multiple factors.— To improve related business processes ensuring they are effective and efficient.— To provide an appointment booking facility (desirable, but not essential).In terms of the technical environment, the majority of servers are virtual and hosted on the university VMWare 5.1 U1 infrastructure, with enterprise-class SAN and interconnect networking.LIS standard server platforms are as follows:Windows 2012 R2 Enterprise editionLinux RHEL 5 or 6Supported database platforms are as follows:Oracle 11.2Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (2008R2 is also supported)ClientApproximately 5000 University client PCs running a secured Windows 7 image.Client software applications are deployed via SCCM 2012.Load BalancingThe university uses a Netscalar hardware load balancing solution.GeneralThe University would prefer a solution which is compatible with the above platforms and in addition, provides the following:1. Single Sign On Authentication support: LDAP, ActiveDirectory or Shibboleth2. Mobile device support across multiple OS e.g. IOS, Android and Windows Mobile.3. The product should support resilience at as many levels as possible, i.e. support database replication and VMWare VMotion etc.4. Ideally the solution should be tested and certified to operate on a VMWare 5.1 U2 environment and will also consider a SaaS environment as appropriate.Further InformationStudent data is currently stored in many systems including the University Student Records System (Ellucian Banner), Agresso, TALIS, Blackboard, SAM (Student Attendance Monitoring system), Sentry (library Access control system), Syllabus Plus (Timetabling system), FIM/User Reg (Identity Management systems), OCAM (Accommodation system) and WhereScape Red data warehouse. It is expected that the system will display data held in such systems and will allow the entry of additional data by various User Groups.This is a open EU procurement process. The ITT and full specification and supporting documents can be downloaded by registering and expressing your interest on the University"s e-tendering system you have any questions or comments in relation to this tender they must be submitted via the In-tend portal.Completed tenders must be returned through the same e-tendering system.The closing date for return of the tender is 9.7.2015 at 12:00 (UK time).
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