I.D.: 6522193

Diverse servicii (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
27.05.15 Exista 21.402 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
72260000 72267100 72000000 72262000
Termenul limita pentru depunere:
23.06.15 10:00
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The aim of this contract is to procure maintenance and development of Domstoladministrasjonen's interactive systems, including:a) The lawcourts'actor portalThe lawcourts'actor portal is an internet portal for exchanging information and documents in civil cases. In addition documents are offered from lawcourts in criminal cases. The portal includes a system for the electronic delivery of fee demands (the fee form) for both c...
The aim of this contract is to procure maintenance and development of Domstoladministrasjonen's interactive systems, including:a) The lawcourts'actor portalThe lawcourts'actor portal is an internet portal for exchanging information and documents in civil cases. In addition documents are offered from lawcourts in criminal cases. The portal includes a system for the electronic delivery of fee demands (the fee form) for both civil and criminal cases. The electronic fee form includes a number of rules based on the regulations for fees from public authorities to lawyers, and the fee form is adapted to the type of case, type of demand, court meeting etc.The components in the actor portal consist of a web server that runs the application, a database server, a web server for user administration and an ADFS-server for federated authentication. All the servers are virtual and run on Microsoft Windows server 2008 R2. Both the application and the user administration are based on APS.NET MVC. RavenDB is used for storing data in the actor portal, which is a non-SQL base for .NET.The actor portal does not need to deal with the ID-port directly, but it uses ADFS as a Security Token Service. The means that the final user is forwarded to ADFS, which then sends the final user further to the ID-port for logging on. The ADFS will issue a SAML-token after a successful log on, which is sent to the actor portal. The portal only accepts authentication on level 4.The actor portal integrates with the lawcourts' case handling system through a BizTalk application and case information and documents are exposed through a SOAP web service that is run on BizTalk. In addition the actor portal has an integration with the National Registry for obtaining personal information.Further workThe lawcourts' actor portal is currently primarily developed with lawyers as the user group, but it shall be further developed in order to support several types of cases and actor roles. This means both re-writing the existing functionality and developing new functionality. At the same time there will be continual adaptations, in accordance with feedback from the existing users. A graphical redesign is also planned, as well as partial adaptation to the mobile system, which shall also be taken into use by the courts over a period. The performance and infrastructure shall be improved for the scaling up of use, and a change of architecture can also occur. A switch to RavenDB with MS SQL is being considered, amongst other things.b) Portal for lay judges selectionThe portal for lay judges selection is a system for uploading selected lay judges and for sending the lay judges selection to the lawcourts' case handling system. The choice and delivery of the selection is carried out by municipalities, counties and by employee and employer organisations. The portal can currently only support receiving the selections from municipalities. In addition the portal has an access system in order to see the judges per municipality, who are selected as the primary choice.The components in the portal for the lay judges selection consist of a web server that runs the portal for uploading and delivering the lay judges and a site for registering user data. In addition there is a database server, a web server for user and application administration and an ADFS server for federated authentication. All the servers are virtual and run on Microsoft Windows server 2008 R2. Both the web applications and the user administration are based on APS.NET MVC. RavenDB is used for storing data in the actor portal, which is a non-SQL base for .NET.The portal for the lay judges selection does not need to deal with the ID-port directly, but it uses ADFS as a Security Token Service. The means that the final user is forwarded to ADFS, which then sends the final user further to the ID-port for logging on. The ADFS will issue a SAML token after a successful log on, which is sent to the portal. The portal accepts authentication on levels 3 and 4.The actor portal integrates with the lawcourts' case handling system through a BizTalk application and the judge requirements are exposed through a SOAP web service that is run on BizTalk. Lay judges selections are sent via BizTalk and, depending on the lay judge type, the selections are stored either in the case handling system or as XML files in a file area. In addition the portal has an integration with the National Registry for obtaining personal information, both for users and the selected lay judges.Further workThe system shall be further developed in order to simplify the process of sending the lay judges selection from the municipalities and in order to offer sending lay judges from counties and employer/employee organisations. There is also a plan for support so as to deliver a supplement to the selection. An update of the graphical and interaction design is also planned. Future plans for the portal include closer integration with the lawcourts' case handling system. This includes, amongst other things, functionality to extract previous selections as a basis for a new selection delivery, and functionality so that the public can always search for selected judges in a municipality.c) The lawcourts' press pagesThe lawcourts' press pages offer an internet system for the press to search court meetings schedules and to extract published judgements and prosecutions.The components in the system consist of a web server that runs the application, a database server, a web server for user administration and an ADFS server for federated authentication. All the servers are virtual and run on Microsoft Windows server 2008 R2. Both the application and the user administration are based on APS.NET MVC. The press pages also offer WCF services that user administration uses. Microsoft SQL 2012 is used for storing data.The lawcourts' press pages do not need to deal with the ID-port directly, but use an ADFS as a Security Token Service. The means that the final user is forwarded to ADFS, which then sends the final user further to the ID-port for logging on. The ADFS will issue a SAML token after a successful log on, which is sent to the portal. The portal only accepts authentication on level 4.The press room obtains the schedule list from the SQL server, which is exposed from the lawcourts'case handling system. Prosecutions and convictions are uploaded as PDF documents to a fileshare by each court, a synchronising job copies these documents over to a fileshare that the press pages use.Further workThe system is planned to be further developed in order to be able to connect convictions and prosecutions with the staffing list, so that it is also possible to extract documents directly from there. Otherwise developments can be made based on feedback and wishes from the press.
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