I.D.: 44810119

Diverse produse (conform descrierii)

Data publicarii
26.03.20 Exista 237.880 licitatii active asemanatoare. Inregistrati-va pentru a avea acces la acestea.
Coduri CPV
35113450 39224210 39715210 44512000 43800000 31625300 44162000 44111800 44221100 18400000 03412000 44111600 24911200 44321000 44115200 43830000 42123000 31120000 44812100 44320000 44112200 18200000 09330000 35113420 18141000 44322100 31214510 31680000 18811000 35811300 44532000 44423220 44831400 44221110 44512700 42416300 44411700 44620000 31527200 31625000 44511000 44221210 44221211 44523000 44211200 44112210 42924300 44140000 35811100 33157000 31213000 18220000 18230000 44191000 35200000 42418000 44212313 44111200 38296000 31681400 18210000 44411400 44111700 42600000 31215000 18813000 44163112 44163110 44221200 34928310 44411100 03415000 44810000 18213000 35110000 44540000 31214190 44812200 35125100 39715200 18221200 35113470 39715300 44423330 44411000 39530000 35815000 44191200 31521300 44831300 31211000 44533000 18444000 18142000 44512920 44511500 44621000 45262670 44163100 31625100 44511100 44411200 44212230 44220000 31681000 44812400 18100000 18424500 44161000 44512300 44514200 31212000 35000000 18420000 18221300 39525300 18814000 44167000 39715000 44111000 31500000 18812200 42995000 31211300 44832100 42100000 35800000 31000000 39151200 44111300 39812500 33735000 44231000 18143000 44115000 44513000 42500000 03419100 35113460 18130000 31224100 44163240 44163241 37412210 39531310 18221000 44411300 44410000 03418100 44800000 44480000 18444100 31210000 34928320 14212200 44514100 44163000 44512910 35121000 44163160 44112500 44115210 39713410 44512200 18000000 35113410 18443000 44512930 44512100 44621100 35113480 31625200 18832000 35811200 44520000 44221120 35113440 44111100 44160000 18424000 44512900 42670000 44530000 44820000 33140000 44233000 39241200 39713400 42660000 18140000 35113430 33735100 42522000 44322000 44600000 18440000 44111400 44512210 44510000 35113400 31214100 44192000 18410000 18330000 44500000 44111500 44511300 42623000 18300000 43413000 16160000 18224000 39241100 18444200 44000000 18830000 42400000 18800000 31170000 44512500 44113000 18443500 44514000 44531000 39721310 39531000 44831200 18831000 42000000 18110000 42416100
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Haine sau ponchouri de protecţie Pensule pentru zugrăvit interior Echipament de încălzire centrală Miscellaneous hand tools Workshop equipment Sisteme de alarmă antiefracţie Piping Mortar (construction) Windows Special clothing and accessories Tropical wood Blocks Adhesives Cable Plumbing and heating materials Power tools Compressors Generatoare Enamels and glazes Cable and related products Floor coverings Outerwear Solar e...
Haine sau ponchouri de protecţie Pensule pentru zugrăvit interior Echipament de încălzire centrală Miscellaneous hand tools Workshop equipment Sisteme de alarmă antiefracţie Piping Mortar (construction) Windows Special clothing and accessories Tropical wood Blocks Adhesives Cable Plumbing and heating materials Power tools Compressors Generatoare Enamels and glazes Cable and related products Floor coverings Outerwear Solar energy Îmbrăcăminte de protecţie împotriva agenţilor nucleari şi radiologici Work gloves Cable conduits Tablouri de distribuţie Articole şi accesorii electrice Waterproof footwear Uniforme militare Non-threaded fasteners Folding steps Grout Window frames Files or rasps Hoists Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns Central-heating radiators and boilers and parts Iluminat exterior Alarme antiefracţie şi antiincendiu Hand tools Door blanks Door frames Hinges, mountings and fittings Cubicles Solid flooring Spraying equipment Products related to construction materials Uniforme de pompieri Oxigenoterapie şi asistenţă respiratorie Echipament de distribuţie Weatherproof clothing Miscellaneous outerwear Miscellaneous construction materials in wood Echipament de poliţie Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery Supports Cement Instrumente de geodezie Componente electrice Coats Shower basins Tiles Machine tools Limitatori de tensiune Footwear with uppers of leather Drainage system Drainage pipes Doors Garduri de siguranţă Taps Softwood Paints Wind jackets Echipament de luptă împotriva incendiilor, de salvare şi de siguranţă Chain Întrerupătoare de sfârşit de cursă Oil and water paints Senzori Echipament de încălzire Anoraks Cămăşi sau pantaloni de protecţie Echipament pentru instalaţii de apă şi canalizare Platforms for handling goods Sanitary ware Covoare, preşuri şi carpete Îmbrăcăminte antiglonţ Laminated wood Lămpi electrice portabile Putty Tablouri şi cutii de siguranţe Copper fasteners Protective headgear Safety visors Screwdriver bits Hand saws Radiators and boilers Metalworking Pipes Sisteme de detectare a incendiilor Spades and shovels Baths Towers Builders' joinery Accesorii electrice Decorating supplies Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories Gauntlets Pipelines Hammers Tool parts Disjunctoare Echipament de securitate, de luptă împotriva incendiilor, de poliţie şi de apărare Clothing accessories Raincoats Veste de salvare Footwear with uppers of textile materials Various pipe fittings Dispozitive de încălzire a apei şi încălzire centrală; echipament pentru instalaţii de apă şi canalizare Building materials Aparatură de iluminat şi lămpi electrice Rubber boots Miscellaneous cleaning machines Siguranţe Paint stripper Machinery for the production and use of mechanical power Echipament individual şi de sprijin Maşini, aparate, echipamente şi consumabile electrice; iluminat Bancuri de lucru Ceramics Agenţi de etanşare Ochelari-mască Made-up fencing panels Protective gear Building fittings Treadle-operated tools Cooling and ventilation equipment Timber products Şosete sau ciorapi de protecţie Special workwear Fişe şi prize Pipe joints Insulated joints Vestă compensatoare Dale de mochetă Waterproof clothing Washbasins Articles for the bathroom and kitchen Hardwood Paints, varnishes and mastics Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment Safety headgear Aparate electrice de comutare sau de protecţie a circuitelor electrice Parapete Aggregates Tool handles Pipes and fittings Drill bits Echipament de securitate Distribution pipes and accessories Roofing materials Plumbing materials Maşini de curăţare a podelelor Pliers Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories Îmbrăcăminte de protecţie împotriva agenţilor biologici şi chimici Headgear and headgear accessories Tool carriers Chisels Radiators Manşete de protecţie Sisteme de alarmă de incendiu Special footwear Uniforme de poliţie Locks, keys and hinges French windows Veste reflectorizante Bricks Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items Gloves Drill bits, screwdriver bits and other accessories Parts and accessories of machine tools Fasteners Varnishes Consumabile medicale Staircases Foarfece Maşini de întreţinere a podelelor Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment Workwear accessories Veste de siguranţă Ochelari de protecţie Non-domestic fans Cable accessories Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers Hats and headgear Paints and wallcoverings Crimping pliers Tools Îmbrăcăminte de protecţie şi de securitate Întrerupătoare Other miscellaneous construction materials Special clothing T-shirts and shirts Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs Insulators and insulating fittings Mattocks, picks, hoes, rakes and beach rakes Milling machines Garments Concrete or mortar mixers Miscellaneous gardening equipment Clothing made of coated or impregnated textile fabrics Cuţite Hard hats Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus) Protective footwear Lifting and handling equipment and parts Footwear Transformatoare Spanners Road-construction materials Visors Tool handles and tool parts Threaded fasteners Generatoare de aer cald Covoare Fillers Footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap Industrial machinery Occupational clothing Lifts
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